4 Major Milestones This Quarter

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4 min readOct 25, 2018

As we approach the closing months of 2018, it really does feel like time flies. While summer is mostly calm for most businesses, the blockchain industry doesn’t have a lull period. Things at DECENT were no different, as our technical team made massive strides this quarter to further progress the development of DCore.

Our Website Got A Hot New Look
In June, we finally got the website makeover everyone’s been waiting for. Not only does our new website boost a much cleaner and simpler UI, but it was also created with simple user experiences in mind for all the other functions which are within it, like our wallet and our voting tool.

The website now features a clearly organized menu, from which you can navigate to the latest info on our events, news and all of our blogs and press releases. In addition, you can learn more about our awesome blockchain, DCore, get to know our community, view the current projects in our roadmap, and even access our wallet and voting tool. All in just a few clicks.

A complete, thorough website acts as a home base for all things DECENT, both for current and prospective DCT holders and DCore developers.

A More Democratic Proposal
With our Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) algorithm, it is vital for our community to have input and the ability to vote for which miners will oversee and verify all DCT transactions. This is why we rolled out our first voting tool this summer. It is incredibly convenient, even for new users, and anyone who holds a DCT token(s) is able to use it. Our miners have been encouraged to share more about themselves in their respective profiles so our users get a better understanding of who’s doing the work under the hood.

The voting tool is packed with a multitude of amazing features. For example, one of them involves voting for the number of active miners, affecting the way the whole voting system is scaled. On the second-to-last day of August, we released a simple tutorial, showing our DCT holders just how easy it is to make a democratic and positive impact on DCore. Additionally, we have created an informative video explaining all the processes involved in our new voting tool.

We hope that this will bring our community closer by bridging the gap between our miners and our token holders.

We Have Opened Up A New Wallet
The next major milestone for our tech team this quarter was the launch of our web wallet. The wallet, of course, runs on DCore, which means that it’s able to handle transactions with speeds of 2,000+ TPS. Our wallet not only allows you to store native DCT tokens but custom tokens as well — known in our DECENT community as UIAs.

The wallet has come a long way from its beta stage to the final release, and we’ve received an incredible amount of positive feedback from its users. In comparison to the previously released GUI wallet, the new DECENT Web Wallet packs numerous amazing features, such as a new, sleek, fully responsive design, custom token storing, instant transactions, a paper wallet print-out option, and much, much more.

Demystifying dApp Development
The final major milestone for this quarter was launching our DCore SDK. This SDK is an integral part of our goal for DCore adoption, as it essentially acts a DIY toolbox for any developer to begin building their dream project on DCore. The SDK is available in GitHub, where we have provided support for Android, Pure Java, and Java backend as well as illustrations of many implementation examples.

With this SDK, you can easily and quickly perform tasks such as:

  • Create an account
  • View account balance and history
  • View recent transaction by TXID
  • Search account and consumer history of purchases
  • Acquire account by ID, name, or public key address
  • Make a transfer
  • Purchase content by ID or URI
  • Search miners by their ID’s
  • Vote for miners
  • And much more!

This SDK is adaptable for Android devices and we are working on the OS X and the iOS versions as well, which will be available in the near future.

Moving forward, we have 3 main Q4 milestones on the technical side. To begin with, we want to make sure we have launched our iOS SDK. We aim to allow developers across all platforms to have an easy and user-friendly way to start using DCore. The other two milestones are predicated on existing products. We will relaunch a new website this quarter as well, with upgraded design and application usage. Also, an Android wallet will be our final tech milestone for Q4 to bring more flexibility to our wallet usage to your mobile devices.

These milestones will have completed the challenging, but rewarding, year we’ve had in 2018, and makes us all here at DECENT very eager to tackle new challenges and accomplish even more great things in 2019!

To stay informed about all things DECENT, join our conversation on Telegram and follow us on social media for the latest updates.

Originally published at decent.ch on October 25, 2018.




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