DCore’s Next Impact Zone? Moscow

Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2018

Fresh off the heels of our September hackathons from Shanghai and USA, we’re excited to announce the next stop in our Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon series, taking place from Nov. 16–18, 2018. This time, we’re heading to Moscow, Russia.

If you’ve been keeping tabs on the development of our DECENT community, you have seen that Russia has been a major focal point for DECENT moving forward. We provided a Russian version of our official website, in September we launched our first VK Channel, and we also have a new Russian Bitcoin Talk forum.

We are partnering up with HumanVenture, a Russian organization aimed at making the world a better place specifically in the fields of education, clean energy, space, healthcare, the environment and fighting against poverty. With such a diverse portfolio, we believe that DECENT can provide new technological insights through our blockchain application in an effort to contribute to HumanVenture’s broader goal of making the world a better place.

For this reason, we’ve chosen the theme for our Moscow Hackathon to be: “How can we harvest the benefits of blockchain in order to transform society for the better?”. Registrations are currently open and you can register here.

Hackathons are valuable not only for DECENT but also for the participants. We understand there are hackathons constantly taking place around the world. They do, however, differ greatly, not just in terms of the prizes but also with the guidance and mentorship provided by the hosts.

We believe that by hosting, sponsoring and attending these events our team members can have personal interactions with the participating developers and teams. This speeds up the learning process because they get to have all of their questions answered by the actual on-site DCore team.

For us, hackathons are a direct outreach to the community. It is incredibly rewarding to see our community of developers grow by each event we host. The feedback for DCore has also been tremendously positive.

In Moscow, the grand prize of 20,000 DCT will be awarded to the hackathon winners. In addition to that, we will be covering the expenses for the winning team to attend the final hackathon, as well as providing guidance and mentorship for them to build the best project possible.

This hackathon series has been a truly incredible experience. We kicked things off in Europe — Bratislava and Berlin — before we moved to Shanghai and Wyoming. Moscow will mark the fifth hackathon, which will also be the second to last one for this series.

The final Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon will be announced shortly, but just because it’ll be the last for this series definitely doesn’t mean it’ll be the last for DECENT. In fact, we hope it’s the exact opposite — and that we’re just getting started.

As always, make sure to follow us on social media and join our discussion on Telegram to stay current with the most relevant DECENT news.

Originally published at decent.ch on October 19, 2018.




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