DECENT Exposure in Europe & Asia

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4 min readMay 25, 2018
Attending conferences and events allows us the opportunity to showcase DCore to industry leading professionals from all over the world.

The month of May has been full of exciting conferences and events in the blockchain industry, and DECENT was invited to be part of the top ones! Our main objective at these events is to spread knowledge about our DCore blockchain technology and gain interest from blockchain enthusiasts and companies who are interested in building their ideas on a decentralized platform such as ours.

Attending conferences and events allows us the opportunity to showcase DCore to industry leading professionals from all over the world. Not only that, but our team members are right there on the floor, participating in blockchain discussions, networking with the best of the best in the space, and answering questions about our company and the service we provide to the community as being a top-notch blockchain provider for projects of any size.

We kicked off May with the Block020 and Fintech020 series in Hong Kong. These massive conferences in the business capital district on HK hosted more than 1,500 of the world’s blockpreneurs, financiers, engineers, tokenomists, regulators, and visionaries. Our Head of Innovation, Michal Geci, manned the DECENT booth and had the opportunity to educate more than 100 blockchain companies and enthusiasts about the power of DCore.

From blockchain startups to established companies interested in decentralized projects, our team was there networking with them all. We met some very interesting projects based out of China, Switzerland, UK, Vietnam, and Hong Kong and all of them were intrigued by the unique components built within our DCore technology and platform. We are very excited to see what potential partnerships may evolve from the Block020 and Fintech020 conferences.

Next up, one of our advisors and ambassadors Daniel Riddell represented DECENT at the Advertising Week Asia in Tokyo, Japan. This was a huge event which lasted 4 days and saw more than 13,000 attendees. Daniel spoke in a panel discussion on the risks and rewards of AI within the adtech space, where he focused on the effect blockchain is having in the world of AI and how it evolve in the near future.

While participating in blockchain discussions, Daniel made a great effort to promote DECENT and in doing so, he met with many industry executives throughout the week who were very interested in learning more about DCore. This was his first event representing our company, and we are surely thrilled to see what will come out of the networking he was able to accomplish during those 4 days.

Then it was on to Vienna for the We Are Developers World Congress, which is almost a stone’s throw from our headquarters in Bratislava meaning that many of our team was able to attend. The event has been referred to as the “Woodstock of Developers” with a huge attendance of more than 8,000 techies and technology enthusiasts.

Our exhibition booth was strategically positioned so we received an optimal number of visitors, all asking about DCore and what it can do for their blockchain projects. Many of our own developers were able to make the trip and discuss the various benefits our platform can offer. Additionally, members of our team attended various workshops and gained many new contacts of talented developers which could help advance our technology and platform.

At the end of the month, we attended the BlockShow Europe 2018 conference in Berlin. This was one of the largest 2-day networking events to date, hosting more than 3,000 blockchain and technology fanatics. The conference offered the opportunity for us to network with over 150 projects, as well as over 80 internationally recognized speakers and experts from banks, institutions and numerous global industries.

BlockShow Europe gave us exposure to the most innovative releases from promising blockchain companies, as well as rich and versatile insights on how they disrupt major global industries such as IoT, AI, Cybersecurity, Voting, Gaming and many others. DECENT was among many of the leaders in blockchain adoption and captivated audiences with our explanation of the power and versatility of DCore.

All in all, these conferences and events were great for our public image push and vastly expanded our networking connections. Only time will tell whether we can form lasting partnerships from companies and projects we met this month, but the team at DECENT is very proud of our accomplishments and growth so far and we only expect to do bigger and better things in the near future!

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Originally published at on May 25, 2018.




Providing a fast, powerful and customizable blockchain to help you easily build decentralized applications, Block by Block.