Monthly Recap-August

Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

As the Weather Cools, Our Progress Does Not
The dog days of summer are coming to an end, and as kids around the world are starting to get ready to go back to school, we have been razor-focused on continuing the development of DCore which just achieved a new major milestone — clocking over 2,000+ transactions per second!

Stabilizing the Core
This month, our dev team worked hard on the new DCore update, version 1.3.0. In the update, we’ve added an all-important history and search feature to give users access to all their transactional history, and made API access simpler for developers, too. You can find the full details on the DCore 1.3.0 release here.

Hacking Our Way to the Top
So much hacking news. For starters, we wanted to congratulate both the winners of our Bratislava hackathon, Werbifi, as well as the winner of our Berlin hackathon, Fashion Block. We’re following up closely with both teams, as they are laying out their strategy, moving forward to be a part of the DCore community.

In China, we held another DECENT hack event this month in the form of a workshop. 16 developers participated to prepare themselves for the Shanghai installment of the Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon global series to build the next great dApp.

Early in September, we will be part of two hackathon events, one in Wyoming, in the USA, and the other in Shanghai, China. Word on the street is Moscow, Russia, may be the destination of another hackathon a bit later on. Speaking of Russia, our Russian team has just launched their VK Channel, so if you’re interested, check it out here.

Two Sides of the Pacific
August saw two of the most prolific blockchain conferences in the world. Over in Korea, Blockfesta took the city of Seoul by force, as our very own John Oh was a panel member for the discussion around “Real World Usage of Crypto is Here”. With Korea being our second home in Asia, you can expect many more exciting announcements coming out of that region, soon!

While Las Vegas is known for a lot of things, it is slowly, but surely, becoming a hotbed for leading blockchain conferences such as Blockshow, which was recently organized there. Matej was once again on stage with other respected panelists discussing “How Blockchain Affects the Americas’ Emerging Economies,” and making sure that DCore is the tool that will contribute towards it.

Speaking Up…
Our Chinese team has been increasing their presence and recently, China GM, Xiaomin Wang, was interviewed for two leading Chinese publishers, and A little heads up to anyone clicking the links: the articles are in Chinese!

Our WeChat account in China is also starting to kick things into high gear with two of our articles (one about the gaming industry and another about UIA’s) being published on one of China’s leading news sites, Huo Xing.


That’s it for this recap, but stay tuned, next month will be a big one as well! As always, for the most up-to-date news about DECENT and DCore, follow us on social media or join our official Telegram.

Originally published at on September 5, 2018.




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