Monthly Recap — February 2019

Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2019

February in China marks the annual Chinese New Year holiday, so things were a little quiet on the eastern front. Not to worry though, because there was still plenty of action happening in other parts of the world for our DECENT team.

And the Award Goes To…

The end of February also marks the end of the award season, concluding with the Oscars. Film has been a big focus for us recently since the announced partnership with Fiction Riot and Filmzie. We discussed in-depth on our blog about these two projects and how they challenge the current status quo in the entertainment industry. If you are interested to learn more, check out esteemed journalist Jason Bloomberg’s article on Forbes here.

To meet more potential clients, Michal Geci, Head of Innovation at DECENT, attended the annual Berlinale, a film festival hosted in Berlin, Germany. The main objective was to find unique partners and opportunities that can potentially utilize DCore, our advanced blockchain technology, to create the next generation of decentralized applications.

Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon Continues

Two hackathons were announced this month, with the first one taking place in our native country Slovakia in the town of Kosice on March 30 to 31. We are proud to be a gold sponsor of the event and encourage anyone to join our DECENT Challenge and win amazing prizes, meet new people and experience workshops from industry professionals.There are still openings available, you can register here!

Following our partnership announcement with S P Jain School of Global Management in Singapore, we are proud to co-host our seventh edition of the Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon series happening May 3 to 5. As always, we will be offering 20,000 DCT and other great prizes to those who will be able to build a working blockchain prototype on DCore. More info will be coming soon, and in the meantime, you can check out the hackathon information panel on our website.

Quality Over Quantity

If you haven’t noticed by now, our team has attended less and less events and conferences compared to previous years. That is because we want to focus on quality over quantity this year to create a stronger impact and build more long-lasting business relationships.

Starting with Stanford Blockchain Conference 2019 at the Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University. This conference explored the use of formal methods, empirical analysis, and risk modeling to better understand security and systemic risk in blockchain protocols. Our DECENT IT Manager, Patrik Csokas, had the pleasure of attending among many notable researchers in blockchain protocols, distributed systems, cryptography, computer security, and risk management.

A 2nd meetup involving DECENT and our Moscow Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon partners HumanVenture was held this month. Tomas Varga, Head of Strategy, and Michal Geci, Head of Innovation, attended this meetup to discuss one-to-one with each team as they shared current updates about their projects and their perspectives on upcoming blockchain trends in Moscow.

DECENT’s Tomas Varga and Michal Geci attending the 2nd Moscow Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon Meetup

Tech Updates

This month we released our much anticipated DECENT Explorer Beta launch. February also saw the non-mandatory DCore Version 1.3.3. Release in addition to the DECENTfans launch of the community mobile wallet.

Another technical update came from our good colleagues at GeneralBytes. By bringing digital currency one step closer to physical currency, GeneralBytes aims to bridge the physical access gap by providing ATMs where people can buy cryptocurrency. And now, you can buy DCT on all GeneralBytes ATMs worldwide. Our tech team has also created a simple step-by-step guide on how to start buying DCT via a physical ATM on our Github. Check it out here!

Coming soon…

This month, we wanted to end with a bit of a teaser. If you’ve been following our articles recently, you’ll have noticed a shift of focus into dApps. This is for a reason, as we believe decentralized applications hold the true power to unleash blockchain for the average person everywhere around the world. So please stay tuned for our dApp updates, specifically in the realm of music and entertainment.

Stay up-to-date with the latest news about DECENT, follow us on social media and join our live discussion in our Telegram channel.

Originally published at on March 4, 2019.




Providing a fast, powerful and customizable blockchain to help you easily build decentralized applications, Block by Block.