Monthly Recap — October

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2018

With just over two weeks to go until our Moscow hackathon, we wanted to make sure our community is up to date with the latest news and updates from DECENT. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Moscow hackathon announcement, or better yet — if you have an amazing blockchain idea and want to register — you can do so here.

Cover to Cover
It was a big PR month for us, with Forbes leading the way! We were mentioned in an article titled “Two Knotty Problems That Blockchain Promises To Solve” which also showcased 3IPK, the blockchain project built on DCore aiming to tackle the aviation industry. In addition to Forbes, DECENT also received coverage in Russian outlets Rambler and Segodnya. We also had more blockchain-centric publications turn heads this month as two of our articles were published by Bitcoin Garden, and Matej even had a guest piece published in Cryposlate.

Speaking of Matej, he had quite a busy month himself. Matej made another return trip to China this month, specifically to Chongqing to attend VMF2018. He was interviewed at the event about his thoughts on certain topics in blockchain, you can find the video here. Matej seemed in a good state-of-mind in the video, and that was for a good reason — he was coming back from winning 3rd place in PC Revue’s IT Personality of the Year award in his native country, Slovakia, just a couple days prior. Congratulations Matej!

Entering Q4
With October behind us, we’re officially knee deep in hitting our technical milestones for Q4, 2018. To start with, we are getting ridiculously close to releasing the beta version for our community mobile wallet app. This will bring with it much more flexibility, so you can access your DECENT Wallet anytime, anywhere from the palm of your hand.

The iOS SDK is also coming along nicely, and we should have updates for that very soon as well.

Our Q4 tech milestones will build on the strong Q3 we had, where we were able to recently deploy our DECENT Explorer app to bring a heightened level of transparency for all of our community. If you haven’t had a chance to go through our in-depth Q3 recap, you can find it here.

Mobile Gaming… Coming to a Phone Near You
November officially marks the ALAX migration test onto our DCore platform, which is very exciting for us! Just a quick reminder, ALAX is a mobile gaming distribution platform specifically targeting micropayment solutions for South East Asia. We have covered ALAX in depth before and will continue to do so since it will be the inaugural project to be launched on DCore.

For more DECENT news and updates, make sure to follow us on social media and if you have any questions or comments please join the discussion on our Telegram.

Originally published at on November 6, 2018.




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