Monthly Recap-September

Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2018

September was headlined by DECENT sponsoring two hackathons across the Pacific. But that wasn’t all of the news, here’s a full recap of last month’s activities!

DCore Explorer Released
The explorer browser is an integral part of any blockchain company. It serves as a principle of transparency and allows anybody to search the transactions and blocks within a blockchain. In other words, it grants full access to any auditor of DECENT.

This explorer, developed by DECENT Innovation branch, allows you to stay up-to-date with the most recent transactions and blocks created, and also view the accounts which generated these transactions. You can access the newest explorer HERE.

In addition to the explorer release, our team is finishing up the SDK for DCore which will be a great tool to help developers easily build dApps, including Android dApps, on DCore. Stay tuned for this announcement, a Q3 recap of all of our tech launches, such as the newly released Web Wallet, and much more. We look forward to finishing the year strong by hitting all of our milestones for Q4.

Two Parallel Hackathons
What’s more awesome than doing one hackathon? Doing two, at the same time! Earlier this month, DECENT was able to partake simultaneously in two hackathons happening on separate continents.

Over in Wyoming, USA, we sponsored the WyoHackathon 2018 where our Advisor, Daniel Riddell, was a guest judge, speaker and presenter of our DCore hackathon challenge. Some of our Slovak team, including members from the developer and marketing departments, also flew over from Europe to assist in the hackathon.

While that was happening, Wanxiang hosted its annual Shanghai International Blockchain Week event in Shanghai, China. Being one of the longest-running and largest blockchain events in China, we had a massive turnout during the hackathon with many positive results and feedback about our DCore Blockchain.

If you want to find out who won the hackathons, please feel free to check out the recaps for the WyoHackathon and the Shanghai International Blockchain Week.

Despite the fact that the majority of the team’s attention was preoccupied with the hackathons, we were still able to attend two other important conferences this month.

Twice a year, Coinsbank holds a prestigious week-long cruise conference, one in Asia and one off the coast of Southern Europe. This is a highly private and exclusive event that aims to drive the entire blockchain industry forward. We were glad to have had our CEO, Matej Michalko, and a few other team members attend the Mediterranean cruise this month and meet with several potential partners from the conference.

In addition, our Head of Innovation, Michal Geci, attended IBC Amsterdam which attracted more than 57,000 attendees this year. The conference is one of the most influential attractions for anyone involved with media, technology, and entertainment.

To finish the month, Matej headed to Boston for the Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit with young industry pioneers from around the world. It is a huge honor for Matej and for DECENT, and we look forward to the hearing more about his experience in Boston.

Next up — Indonesia Blockchain Conference
The “Blockchain Applications and Economics Indonesia Forum” will be held from October 8–10 at the Shangri-La Jakarta Hotel. The conference will bring together key industry leaders, governments, and media to learn about blockchain, its uses and help drive mainstream adoption. DECENT is proud to be a media partner of the conference. This is a great event for business leaders to learn about blockchain and how it can, and most likely will impact their businesses.

DCore on the rise in Korea
For our avid followers, you know how much we are anticipating the explosion of growth for our Korea team led by John Oh. This month, they had their first offline meetup with our DECENT community in Seoul. It was a two-hour private event co-hosted with our partners EXA Lab to introduce the possibilities of applying DCore for development of media-related blockchain projects.

More Accessibility for Our Community
DCT was added to Bit-Z and Coinbene, two of the leading exchanges in the industry. We are super happy to share this news with our DCT holders and are looking forward to more announcements about exchange listings in the future.

One last thing…
To conclude this monthly recap, we want to reintroduce 3IPK. For those who haven’t had a chance to check out our write-up on this incredible project, you can find it here.

3IPK is a project that aims to completely disrupt the entire supply chain in the aviation industry.

In the global market, the supplies which go into aircraft building and maintenance are sourced and shipped from all over the world. This is problematic because different countries have different regulations and policies, meaning that supplies must be validated and traced accurately.

This has previously been an incredibly tedious and expensive process, but 3IPK looks to implement blockchain and specifically DCore to revolutionize this industry. Time will tell, but based on the initial feedback and responses we’ve received since this announcement, the sky’s the limit for 3IPK’s team.

As always, to stay informed about all things DECENT, join our conversation on telegram and follow us on social media for the latest updates.

Originally published at on October 4, 2018.




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