My DECENT Tour in China vol 1

Matej Michalko
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2016

I am in China for a couple of weeks to spread the word about DECENT and bolster relationships with local partners and community. My public exposure started by speaking about Blockchain Decentralised Content Distribution enabled by DECENT at BTCKan event in Shanghai. BTCKan CEO Edward Liu revealed their new OTC Trading product. The conference also featured Hongfei Da, CEO of Antshares and Bobby Lee, CEO of BTC China.

Presenting DECENT at BTCKan conference in Shanghai

Then I attended Shanghai Blockchain Meetup in an open air space on West Nanjing Road, where the principal topic of panel discussion was recent Bitcoin halving.

Crossing the Chasm of Blockchain Technologies, Shanghai, China

Last Saturday, I spoke at another event, still in Shanghai, featuring presentations of Antshares, Eric Gu’s new project and a few other local speakers. My presentation had a title: “Crossing the Chasm of Blockchain Technologies” and its principal goal was to explain how to get from early markets to mainstream ones. I also introduced DECENT-Stream, a fully decentralised p2p video streaming service with no middleman fees, enabled by DECENT.

Introducing DECENT-Stream, Shanghai, China
DECENT is global , Shanghai, China
Presenting DECENT, Shanghai, China
Blockchain Enthusiasts & Entrepreneurs, Shanghai, 30 July 2016
QQ Community Hangout with 140+ DECENT Chinese Fans

Few hours after conference, I was invited by Chinese DECENT Fans to organise first QQ Community Video Hangout. Our QQ group counts 140+ members and the number keeps growing every day. We also kicked off a WeChat group, counting 110+ members. Scan the QR below via your WeChat app if you would like to join us:

Scan this QR code by your WeChat app to join 110+ DECENT Fans

You can meet me next at “Global Blockchain Roadshow” in Shanghai on Saturday 06 August, a major Blockchain event in China and whole Asia. 700+ attendees are expected and DECENT will be there.

More updates about DECENT in China coming up soon.



Matej Michalko

Matej Michalko is a #BlockchainPioneer with 8+ years of blockchain and cryptocurrency experience. He is the Founder and CEO of DECENT.