One Small Step for DECENT, One Giant Leap for Mediakind

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2 min readApr 15, 2019

We just launched a brand-new, media and entertainment-focused subsidiary called DECENT Media Group , or DMG, for short. This new “spin-off” is dedicated to developing, launching and managing blockchain solutions specifically for the media and entertainment industry.

Going back to the origins of DECENT, we built DCore to be the first ever content distribution-focused blockchain technology and platform. Our aim was to bring fairness and trust back to content creators and consumers by providing a transparent, peer-to-peer-driven platform through which they can buy and sell content directly from the creator without any middleman interference or exorbitant fees.

DMG is now taking that same vision to a whole new level by accelerating content distribution projects with the power of DCore. Media & entertainment-oriented projects are already being built with our blockchain technology, such as by Fiction Riot , , and . DMG is taking the reigns to ensure that these amazing innovative projects make a positive impact on the industry.

“Our DCore platform has proven to be versatile and is evident by the many different industries it has benefited over the past year and a half.” Asserted our CEO and Founder, Matej Michalko, about the success of DCore and the goals of the newly launched subsidiary, “The establishment of DECENT Media Group (DMG) allows us to dedicate focus on industry-specific projects oriented towards media and entertainment with the goal in mind of further progressing blockchain adoption.”

DMG is open for business and presented their new subsidiary at both the in Las Vegas, USA and in Cannes, France — two renowned content development & distribution-focused events which brought together the world’s top TV and digital content executives. This is an exciting new evolution for DECENT, and we can’t wait to see DMG bring the media & entertainment industry and blockchain technology together, making a positive impact on the way media is viewed today.

To find out where DECENT and DMG will turn up next, follow us on social media and tune in to our channel.

Originally published at on April 15, 2019.




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