Still Strong, Still Growing, Still DECENT

Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2018
Our team at ReactiveConf earlier this year meeting potential DECENT developers.

As we approach the final month of 2018, we wanted to look back on some of the new faces we brought on board, who have become an integral part of our DECENT team. The major progress we’ve made this year could not have been possible without the consistency of productivity and teamwork of all our staff.

We’ve had some great additions to the team so far and we’re actually still hiring! So if you are interested in working for one of the fastest growing blockchain companies in the industry, take a look at our careers page to see the positions available.

Let’s take a look at the DECENT expansion we’ve accomplished in the last few months alone.

Over in Europe, we had 3 key hires in Juraj Popovič, Richard Frič and Martin Mrva. Juraj and Richard are now key parts of our tech team in Slovakia, and Martin has moved into a Business Intelligence Specialist role as part of our business development team. Martin is a big fan of sports when he’s not at work and during his spare time, he reads elaborate books — especially fantasy ones. Both Juraj and Richard are tech veterans with diverse backgrounds. Juraj specialized in computer science, while Richard has been a developer with a focus on C++ but also dabbles in Python and .NET. For Richard, blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been a big part of his focus this past year and the idea of being an integral part of a promising blockchain company was too good to pass up!

In our China office, we saw 2 major additions in Adel Shahin and Ruolynn Chen. Adel is the new Global Marketing Manager based out of our Shanghai office and has over 10 years of experience, ranging from boot-strapping at startups to managing departments for publicly listed corporations. Having been a big part of IPOs and other successes in Australia and New Zealand, Adel also has a keen eye for the growth and success of charitable and community projects. Ruolynn has an extensive background in HR and is well-connected in the blockchain sphere, having worked with some of the major players. She is also an avid traveler having been to almost 40 countries. She firmly believes in giving everyone an opportunity to develop into the best of themselves.

We’re extremely excited to be welcoming such incredible people on to our team. In the past quarter, we had a total 4 new hires at our Shanghai office and 7 new hires at our headquarters in Bratislava. Having said that, we are always looking for talented people to join our teams here at DECENT.

To stay informed about all things DECENT, join our conversation on Telegram. Follow us on social media for the latest updates. Lastly, connect with us on LinkedIn!

Originally published at on November 29, 2018.




Providing a fast, powerful and customizable blockchain to help you easily build decentralized applications, Block by Block.