Korean government recruits blockchain evaluation corps

Members supposed to suggest opinions in developing blockchain services

Decenter News
2 min readMar 19, 2019


/Ministry of Science and ICT

The Ministry of Science and ICT is recruiting the National Blockchain Evaluation Corps. The evaluation corps is intended to share policies on public and private blockchain projects and improve public services. The recruitment period runs from March 18 through April 15.

In its announcement Sunday, the ministry said the evaluation corps will consist of 30 or so people having basic knowledge and interest in blockchain technology. Members of the corps are supposed to suggest various opinions in the course of developing services related to public and private blockchain projects and monitor them as a whole. They will also function as promotional envoys in social media.

The members will serve until December and those who excel in activities will be commended. Those wishing to take part in the program have to download an application form at the website of the Korea Internet & Security Agency and submit it by email.

Kim Jeong-won, director-general of the ministry’s Internet Convergence Policy Bureau, said, “Blockchain is a technology involving participation and communication.” “Hopefully, the operation of the National Blockchain Evaluation Corps will serve as an occasion for more people to feel and sympathize with the utility of blockchain technology.”

by Park Hyun-young hyun@decenter.kr
Originally published at : decenter.kr

