Decentraland Project Update — April 24th

News and updates from Decentraland

Eric Schallock
4 min readApr 24, 2018


We have several exciting announcements to share since our last Project Update. First and foremost, we released our SDK alpha so that developers can begin creating content for their LAND. We’ve also made it possible to purchase MANA directly within the Marketplace and have added some additional descriptive info to each parcel’s Marketplace page. Finally, we have two announcements for our district communities.

The Decentraland SDK Alpha Release

We just released the Decentraland SDK Alpha to our developer community! The SDK includes the initial tools, API, and supporting documentation needed to start building some of the first interactive content for Decentraland. The heart of the SDK is our new API, which makes it possible to write scripts powering interactive, dynamic, and multiplayer content for the Decentraland platform.

You can read the full announcement of the SDK here. Or, you can dive right in to our Quick Start Guide to learn how to install the SDK and begin building your first scene.

We’d like to invite new content creators to join our community of developers by signing up for future updates, news, and support at We would also like to direct anyone seeking support for the SDK to the #developers or #support_sdk channels in our community chat.

Marketplace Updates

Buy MANA in the Marketplace

We know there are many different exchanges offering MANA for use within the Marketplace, but navigating these can be intimidating for new users. So, we’ve worked with Bancor to provide an integration allowing you to buy MANA directly in the Marketplace to make it as easy as possible to start buying and selling LAND.

Simply log on to, navigate to your settings, and click Buy More under your MANA balance.

View parcel highlights

We’ve also added a new parcel context feature, which labels each parcel’s proximity to notable landmarks, or “Highlights” in Genesis City like roads, public plazas, and districts. These landmarks often impact the value of a parcel, so these parcel highlights should help illustrate the value of a given parcel to both owners and prospective buyers.

Upcoming features

Finally, we are exploring different implementations of an Estates feature, which will allow you to group parcels together. This will both make it possible to use the SDK to develop larger scenes that span multiple parcels and make it easier to buy, sell, and manage groups of parcels in the Marketplace.

We have been very excited to see how quickly the community has adopted the Marketplace, and are already witnessing some impressive traffic and transaction volume. Most notably, since the initial launch of the Marketplace, we’ve seen over 1,000,000 total page views, over 4,700 parcels of LAND published for sale, over 1,300 LAND parcels purchased, and a total of over 24 million MANA exchanged as a result of these transactions.

Decentraland District Updates

We are seeing some great progress in the community districts! In order to move things forward, we want to help connect anyone who has contributed LAND to a district with their district representatives.

To do this, we’ve created a form where contributors can list their name or nickname, email address, and districts they’ve contributed to. After we’ve processed this info, we’ll put contributors in touch with their corresponding district representatives. If you have contributed LAND to a district, please submit your contact info via this form.

We are also very excited to begin providing additional tools to aid the organization and governance of districts. The first of these will be a decentralized voting platform allowing district contributors to vote on any issues or decisions pertaining to their districts. Each contributor’s vote will be weighted according to the size of their district contribution.

We are asking that districts first use this platform to elect or confirm their official representatives. Any district whose representative did not submit the original district proposal will be required to elect an official representative.

If you are a district contributor, you will be emailed after submitting your contact information with details about how to participate in your district’s discussion and representative election.

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