Decentraland Project Update — May 8th

Eric Schallock
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

News and updates from Decentraland

The past two weeks have been busy for the team at Decentraland. Ari Meilich has just returned from a trip to Singapore for the World Digital Assets Summit where he helped lead discussions on the future of NFTs, our MANA token has been listed on the KuCoin exchange, and our Marketplace now displays usage statistics and a list of all recent transactions. The team has also been fixing bugs and streamlining the development process in the SDK. Finally, we’ve officially migrated our chat channels from RocketChat to Discord.

Decentraland at the World Digital Assets Summit

Our project lead Ari Meilich recently attended the World Digital Assets Summit in Singapore, where he helped host a meetup with Etheremon, Trinity, Wax, and Zeppelin. He also moderated a panel with DDEX, Etheremon, Trinity, and Wax discussing non-fungible tokens and their future in the blockchain industry.

Decentraland’s MANA Now Available on KuCoin

MANA is now available on the KuCoin token exchange! Beginning on May 3rd, users are able to buy and sell MANA via the MANA/BTC and MANA/ETH trading pairs on the KuCoin exchange. This is another big step forward for the Decentraland community: making MANA more widely available on different exchanges lowers the barrier of entry to our platform for developers, investors, and enthusiasts.

Updates in the Marketplace

Our dApps team has been making continual improvements in the Decentraland Marketplace. This past week, they released the latest version 0.5.2. Recent updates include an improved format for parcel cards in the Marketplace view, a new statistics dashboard, and an updated display for MANA and Ether exchange rates.

The new parcel card format displays some helpful information for prospective buyers, which should make it a little faster and easier to browse available LAND parcels.

We’ve also added a new statistics dashboard where you can find a list of the latest transactions and some interesting statistics on usage volume in the Marketplace.

The dApps team is also making progress with our upcoming Estates feature, which will allow you to group multiple parcels owned by the same address together. This will make it possible to buy and sell groups of adjacent parcels, in addition to allowing developers to deploy larger scenes. The team has deployed a new LAND contract supporting an early version of Estates on the Ropsten test network.

Updates in the SDK

The latest version 1.0.3 release of the SDK includes several iterative improvements. Notably, the team has released multiple fixes for small issues related to error reporting in the CLI, issues with the deploy and upgrade functions, and bugs in the scene preview mode.

The SDK team has ensured that scene previews work when you are offline, so you can develop your scenes without having to rely on an internet connection. The SDK now also validates any invalid coordinates when uploading or linking your scene with a parcel.

We’re moving to Discord!

We would like to take this opportunity to remind the Decentraland community that we will be officially migrating our chat channels from RocketChat to Discord on May 8th, 2018.

We want to ensure that we support our community as it grows and its needs evolve. In the last couple of months, we’ve noticed more and more community members relying on Discord for their communication, so to support this shift we will be duplicating all currently active RocketChat channels in Discord. After May 8th, all existing RocketChat channels will be made available as “read only”.

If you are still using RocketChat, we kindly ask that you create an account on Discord and continue your conversations there. Thank you!

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