Dev Updates — November 14th

Terraform Registration, Genesis City Auction, Web Client and Editor, EthAlarm updates, District Governance Framework, Land Manager

Esteban Ordano
2 min readNov 15, 2017


Terraform Registration

Users can now use their Ledger hardware wallets to participate in the Terraform Registration and stake MANA to either the Genesis City auction or one of the many community districts. We also fixed a recurring problem that led to transactions not being accounted for. Finally, we are about to finish a feature that will enable advisors, early contributors, and the team to use their vested tokens in the Terraform.

Genesis City Auction

Our team began the testing process for the land auction web app (which is being deployed to the Ropsten testnet network soon!). We will be releasing the source code and starting with the security audits next week.

Web Client and Editor

We’re at the final stage of integrating the web client with the scene editor. This is our top priority, as it will allow early users to start experimenting with creating and uploading content to [testnet] land. Our goal is to release early and nourish ourselves from everyone's feedback to iterate fast.

Additionally, we have fixed some performance issues and added new features to the editor, such as uploading objects directly from Google Poly, experimental support for editing directly in VR, outlining parcels that are being edited, among others.


The response to EthAlarm was outstanding, and we are looking into ways to make this dApp more scalable. Thus, we’re temporarily taking down the public instance of EthAlarm to improve its performance and reliability.

District Governance Framework

We are working with District leaders to help organize, develop and deploy district projects. Currently, we are building out a District Governance Framework that will act as a preliminary guide in which the roles and responsibilities of district leadership and participants are outlined. This is a collaborative effort between the core Decentraland team and various District leaders.

Land Manager

We started testing a small application that will allow users to choose land parcels and open them in the editor to work on them and also upload their content to the web client. Codenamed “loader”, this dApp allows you to claim test land in Ropsten and launch the Editor to work on your land.

Keeping up to date with the latest developments

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