All Crypto Slang You Have to Know

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5 min readMay 18, 2019

As the saying goes: “Difference in the profession makes one feel worlds apart.” If you are new to crypto, you may get confused about the terms people are using. To prepare yourself for the crypto market, please check this guide on crypto slangs you have to know.

ATH (All Time High) — the highest price point that a coin has reached.

Altcoin — coins that are not Bitcoin are called Altcoins.

Bitcoin Maximalist — people who have a good vision for Bitcoin’s future. Hardcore Bitcoiners.

Buy the Dip — a trading strategy that buys when a coin’s price goes down.

Buy Wall — using a depth chart, traders can see the current limit buy and sell points. It occurs when a coin’s buy orders exceed sell orders.

Sell Wall — opposite to buy wall. Sell orders exceed buy order.

Bull/Bullish — an expectation that price will go up.

Bear/Bearish — an expectation that price will go down.

Whale — someone who has lots of coins (usually above a certain % of total supply).

HODL — it’s a typo for “HOLD”, means don’t panic sell, you should keep on holding your coin.

Bagholder — someone holds a coin for a long period and doesn't sell even if its price plummets.

DYOR — an acronym for “Do Your Own Research”. It’s a common response when people asking for trading advice. It encourages people to draw their own conclusion.

Flippening — Will happen if another coin take Bitcoin’s place as the largest by market cap.

FOMO — fear of missing out. It means to buy because you feel like you are missing a big opportunity while many other people are making money.

FUD — an acronym for “fear, uncertainty, doubt”, refers to negative rumors spread on social media.

KYC — an acronym for “Know Your Customer”. It’s usually applied by the crypto service provider to identify their users.

Shill — promoting certain coin for their own profit.

REKT — short term for “wrecked”, means a coin’s price plummets and wipes out investors.

To the Moon/Mars — when a coin’s price goes up, investors shout out this term to show their excitement and they have made the right choice to buy the coin.

When Moon/Lambo- asking when their coins’ price goes to the moon or if they can buy a Lamborghini with their profits. (It is often used as a joke, used by people who want to know when their investment will finally earn them a lot of money.)

Weak hands— those who lack conviction in their strategies or lack the resources to carry them out. It usually refers to someone selling their coin at a loss rather than waiting for the market to recover.

Pump & Dump — In an easily manipulated market, it occurs when large groups of investors buy at the same time to simulate a market increase and then all sell their investments when the price peaks.

NEWB (Newbie/Noob) — someone who is new to trading or crypto community.

Nocoiner — people who don’t have any coin, usually referring to Bitcoin.

Market Cap — means the total value of a coin. You can calculate a Market Cap by multiplying a coin’s value by the total number of coins in circulation.

Hard Cap — It’s usually used in token fund-raising. It refers to the maximum amount of money a cryptocurrency can receive from investors in its Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Soft Cap — refers to the minimum amount of money a cryptocurrency can receive from investors in it's Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Margin Trade — The act of “magnifying” the intensity of your trades by risking your existing coins. (NOTE: Very risky, only for experienced traders and only on certain exchanges even then.)

Maker — When you place an order that goes on the order book partially or fully, any subsequent trades coming from that order will be as a “maker.” These orders add volume to the order book, helping to “make the market,” and are therefore termed the “maker” for any subsequent trades.

Taker — When you place an order that trades immediately, by filling partially or fully, before going on the order book, those trades will be “taker” trades. Trades from Market orders are always Takers, as Market orders can never go on the order book. These trades are “taking” volume off of the order book, and therefore called the “taker.”

Laddering — it’s an investment strategy that you buy/sell in small price order rather than invest all at once.

All in/AFI (All Fucking In) — the opposite side of laddering. Buy a coin at once/or buy a certain coins with all your money.

Hype — promote or publicize a coin intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits.

Hyperbitcoinization: The theory, known as H-theory, thinks that Bitcoin will replace all currencies and become the world’s dominant currency.

Going Long — margin trade profits if the price goes up.

Going Short — margin trade profits if the price goes down.

Sats — the minimum measuring unit of BTC. It’s derived from Bitcoin’s creator’ name — Satoshi Nakamoto. 1 sat = 0.00000001 BTC

Stable coin — a coin that has a stable price and value. It needs the endorsement of USD dollars.

Shitcoin — a coin with no inherent value or utility. It’s often promoted by some celebrity in exchange for money.

Stop Loss — If your coin’s price decreases to a certain level, you sell it in order not to lose too much.

TA — Technical Analysis. TA is an investment tactic used to predict market shifts. Generally, TA is based on careful analysis of recent trends. Additionally, it operates on the assumption that what has happened in the past will repeat in the future.

Retrace — when a coin’s price rises to a certain level, it begins to pullback.

ROI — Return on Investment, refers to how much profits investors can gain based on their principals.

TTD (Time To Dump) — it’s time to sell off.

After getting to know all the crypto slang mentioned above, you can proudbly say you’re no longer a newbie. With these terms, you can understand inside jokes, memes, and find crypto is a good place with so many interesting people.

Hope you have fun!

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