ARK Core Update v1.0.2 — Improved Transaction Handling
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2017

ARK has just released a new MainNet core update to the ARK node. ARK node is the backbone of the ARK network — it is what makes ARK tick and purr. This update focuses on transaction broadcast issues.

We have improved some constants on the transactions broadcasting mechanism to account for the recent increase of users on the network. Noticeably, the number of transactions unsuccessfully broadcast will decrease dramatically (eliminating rebroadcast issues according to our devnet testing).

Nothing has changed for you — you don’t have to do anything. Just sit back and know we are working hard to push more core updates soon. With each update comes more stability and new features, but these core updates are for delegate / relay nodes running the ARK network only.

Login to your server and go to the ‘root’ directory:


First remove previous version of ARKcommander:


Now download the latest version:


Start ARKcommander:


Enter your sudo password when prompted and press ‘enter’.

Above options, you will see the message ‘Please Update! Press (3)’

Press number ‘3’ + enter and follow on-screen instructions. After ARK core has been updated, it will automatically restart. Press ‘enter’ — this is it! To be sure your node is running either check status (‘S’) or logs (‘L’).

A word of advice — since you are updating your ARK node, it is also the perfect opportunity to update your Linux system (should be done regularly anyways). In ARKcommander use option ‘6’ OS Update. This will check for Linux updates and install them — don’t interrupt the process, it can take a few minutes to complete depending on the size and number of updates. We suggest restarting (‘sudo reboot’) your server after those updates (if there are kernel updates to take effect). Next, make sure your ARK node is running (via ARKcommander option ‘S’ for status), if not choose option ‘A’ to start it.

You can look in the ARK config by opening a file:

nano ~/ark-node/config.mainnet.json

At version (after update) should say 1.0.2.

You can close nano editor by pressing ‘ctrl’ + ‘c’ .

Introducing the Noah automated rebuild script. Developed by community developer Brian Faust, this script lets active or relay nodes auto-rebuild their node if it gets out of sync. We recommend setting it up if you are an active delegate to minimize the downtime of your node. It also has some neat features like sending you an email, SMS, or Slack notification if something is wrong with your node.

More information and installation process can be found on :

Note that when you are updating server or ARK node, it is advisable to stop any scripts that are running to prevent interference with the installation process. Start your scripts again only AFTER you have ARK node running normally.

Originally published at on November 6, 2017.

