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My wishes for the crypto community in 2019

Matt Luongo
2 min readDec 31, 2018


Mirror Lake, Yosemite — 2018

The New Year is a time to reflect- on what’s passed, and on what’s ahead. Now that the crypto market has cooled, I hope the community that I’ve grown to love will also take time to reflect.

In 2013, I was working on a side project that was censored by PayPal. I needed a way to pay customers for their digital goods, and I found Bitcoin — uncensorable, unstoppable magic internet money. It was an incredibly empowering experience as an entrepreneur. I didn’t need to visit a bank, or maintain a relationship with a payment processor. I didn’t need to ask anyone’s permission to build my business.

The past 5 years have flown by, and many things have changed. But the reason we’re all here, the reason this movement has survived, remains the same.

Despite the constant flurry of whitepapers, novel chains, and scaling technologies, cryptocurrency is a social movement first. Decentralization is a social tool ensuring human rights- rights to property, congregation, and free speech.

We’re here to build an opt-in, consent-based society. Money will be unstoppable. Speech will be uncensorable, neither compelled nor restricted. And organizations will exist outside today’s national boundaries.

Let’s make that our goal for 2019.



Matt Luongo

Project lead @keep_project. Founder @fold_app. Husband and new dad.