Magical Number Three: the BitNation Scholarship Returns!

Announcing the next call for applications

Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2016


Today, Exosphere is proud to announce the third edition of the BitNation Scholarship!

What started as an experiment to bring together the members of both of our communities and enable outstanding individuals to create ground breaking projects, has since grown into an established program benefiting not only the recipients, but the entire Academy by bringing in brilliant and caring people. Their efforts, multiplied through collaboration with other participants and the experienced members of our staff, have created noteworthy projects and advanced the conversation in the wider blockchain and governance community.

In fact, inspired by conversations that took place at Exosphere’s last two programs, our Director of Research penned a letter to the blockchain community (read it here). It drew the attention of many people in this space, most notably Erik Voorhees of Shapeshift, and spurred quite a bit of discussion around the fundamental goals for this technology and the mechanisms by which we aim to achieve them.

Now, since we first launched the scholarship, the Academy has evolved quite a bit. Here’s Exosphere’s Chief of Staff Luke Blackburn (or is it Ryan Gosling?) explaining how it all works:

Watch the other videos in the playlist:

But before we go down memory lane, let’s take a look at the perks of winning the third BitNation Scholarship:

  • The Full Tuition Scholarship covers the entirety of the tuition cost, leading to a total cost of attendance of $ 900 USD (housing — does not include food and flights)
  • BitNation Founder @Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof and previous recipients provide personal mentorship for the duration of the program
  • You gain access to Exosphere’s and BitNation’s networks of technologists, activists, and entrepreneurs
  • Your project will be featured in Exosphere and BitNation’s communications upon termination of the program and, depending on the nature of the project, may get integrated into the BitNation service catalog

In addition to the full tuition scholarship, we also grant five partial scholarships covering $1000 of the tuition to select applicants from the BitNation community that mention their membership on the application form.

How do you apply?

  1. Select the Stream you want to participate in and register your interest on the Exosphere Website at (we have Blockchain App Development!)
  2. Fill out the application form we send you and make sure to link your video (or paste your essay) and your BitNation citizen profile in the scholarship question
  3. Go through the application process with our friendly admissions officers to test your determination and suitability
  4. Get selected by the joint selection committee comprised of a representative each for BitNation and Exosphere Academy — congratulations!
  5. Travel to Florianopolis, Brazil for the program and spend 8 awesome weeks working on your project with people from all over the world!

Among your options of fields to learn about are Mars Colonization, Entrepreneurship, and of course Blockchain App Development:

But remember: this program will challenge you on both a personal and professional level. Do not apply if you’re a special snowflake that cannot handle criticism and honest, constructive feedback!

And don’t worry: while the program will test you in a variety of ways, our Curators and staff members are always available and work very hard to generate a supportive environment.

Here’s a testimonial by one of our past scholarship recipients:

Live Stream and Q&A

On Monday at 1800 CET / 1700 UTC we will hold a Live Stream featuring Moritz Bierling, Exosphere’s Director of Research, and the founder of BitNation, Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof.

Here’s the link:

Now, after clicking those recommend and share buttons, don’t forget to register on our website so we can send you the application questions:

We’ll see you in Brazil!

