Why ArcadeCity

Carter Kessler
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2016

To improve costly and inefficient social and commercial norms. In affect, to build a better mousetrap.

Thousands, possibly millions, of individuals are adding value and taking compensation from the ever-growing and consistently developing new-aged sharing economy.

From dog-sitters and short-term residential leases to ride-sharing and all other manner of peer-2-peer transactions people across the globe are continuing to use and leverage new technologies to reduce transaction costs and retain more of the value they create.

Recently, in 2010, the internet expanded dramatically its capibilities with the advent of distributed ledger technologies. Most famously utilizied by the Bitcoin blockchain.

This new development has had far-reaching consequences and is still stretching to be deployed in a myriad of new fashions.

Likewise the world has also seen unprecedented success in a new social dynamic best known as swarms. Decentralized, local and groundlevel responsive units of self-cooperation working without permission or direction to acheive the shared goals of all those involved. As I type this the Icelandic political party- the Pirates, are on the verge of a major electoral victory thanks in large part to these new-age communicative and behavioural tactics.

Swarms and blockchains are the two underlying advancements driving forward the ArcadeCity vision of a more fair, more equitable decentralized economy.

Whereas the current legacy economy is marked by institutional hierarchies, antique regulatory frameworks and a high barrier for entry and exit the new economy of tomorrow is more egalitarian more transparent and more adaptable to the parties involved.

There is much to discuss and much to further develop for the ArcadeCity community and the larger new economy as a whole to take market-share away from the legacy economy but the train has left the station.

People of all walks of life are increasingly keen to the potential offered by the shared economy and its underlying philospohies and technolgies.

As developers continue resolving issues of remittance, proof-of-identity, reputation, security and privacy, service providers and their customers will also to0 continue to develop egalitarian, fair and transparent communities both online and on the streets to faciliate a more just, more accountable peer-2-peer economy.

ArcadeCity intends to harness both of these, the communities and the technologies of the future, to execute and deliver better satisfaction, more autonomy and less corporate friction.

What about the app? What about the ICO? What about the leadership?

All valid inquires all understandable concerns.

It is up to you to do the research necessary to draw your own conclusions.

ArcadeCity isn’t coercive, it isn’t engaged in policy coordination to rope in various sectors of the economy. It is simply an idea, a project, an aspiration to challenge the status quo.

ArcadeCity is a vehichle for users to widen their own paths to upward mobility. The ArcadeCity platform is intended for users to maximize the strength of their purchases and to control the peoples involved with their transaction decisions. The ArcadeCity community is focused on decentralization, options and honest recourse for good and bad behavour.

ArcadeCity welcomes your input, your criticisms, your involvement and your suggestions. And although it may not suit you it will always be open to your inclinations for feedback.

So long as there are people interested in working collaboratively to supplant high-cost corporate machinations, to undermine unfair transaction costs and to further develope and implement new crowdsourcing technologies there will be ArcadeCity- the evolving destination for disintermediated peer-2-peer agorist communities.

