Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2016

The Zcash team is nearing the time to release our code and launch the genesis block of the Zcash blockchain. Below we have highlighted a few notable things that are in the works before we launch Sprout.

Current Audits
Our mission is to make the first open financial technology with zero-knowledge privacy, for every person in the world to use. To that end we are commissioning multiple security audits and design evaluations, and will publish the results in full.

The first audits have already begun, and we may schedule future audits to gain further confidence in our security at launch. With proper and thorough auditing the aim is to mitigate all vulnerabilities and lessen risk — this thoroughness is one reason for our launch delay.

To read the full scope and review of the consultants and auditors we’ve chosen to work with, please read our recent blog post.

The Beta Release
Starting on September 7, 2016 we will release the first version of our Beta code. This is still testnet. This series will be feature complete including having our consensus rules frozen, and a new, easier to use RPC interface in place.

This is a good time to begin the work of integrating Zcash into your products and services. Check back after the 7th for a new Public Beta Guide, which will replace our current Public Alpha Guide.

Launching Sprout
The launch target date for the Zcash blockchain is set for October 28, 2016. This is when the first Zcash monetary units will come into existence, based on securely generated zkSNARK parameters. The software release for the launch will be the first in our Sprout Series releases. We are calling this software release, and this initial phase of the blockchain ‘Sprout’ to emphasize that it is a young, budding blockchain with great potential to grow.

When the Zcash genesis block is launched, anyone in the world will be able to mine Zcash, and users will be able to send it to anyone in the world with the advantage of full zero-knowledge privacy. The interface will be a command-line tool on Linux, and will not include a graphical user interface, nor run on Windows or Mac OS at launch time. We will continue adding improvements in response to user demand following this initial release.

For more in-depth descriptions of our Beta and Sprout releases, please read our recent blog post about them.

In the coming few months we will be publishing content about: how to mine Zcash, information for integration, partnerships in the works, the parameter generation and setup ceremony, other cool science projects our team is working on, as well as a detailed FAQ that will help developers, miners, engineers, scientists, economists, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in Zcash join the conversation.

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