D.AI 7 | EU and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development experts on Decentralization

Alessandro Biancini
Decentralized AI
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2019

Our eighth Meetup was hosted by ‘Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo “Massimo Baldini”’ at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, during this event legal and planning visions of decentralization was shared from the expert jurists in the blockchain field who collaborate on these issues with important Italian and European institutions such as the MISE and the UE Commission.

As usual for the readers of our magazine in this article can find the videos of all talks of D.AI 7, for the good success of the event we say thank you to the partner of the night: Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo “Massimo Baldini”, LUISS Data Lab and Catchy

During the the first talk the lawyer Fulvio Sarzana (Attorney @ Italian’s Supreme Court) has analyzed what laws and rules today govern distributed ledgers technologies, artificial intelligence and Decentralized AI in Italy and the rest of the world, and what will be done in these terms in next future both nationally and internationally.

In the middle Luca Tacchetti (Data Analyst @ LUISS Data Lab) has shared the exclusive news about the Decentralized AI ecosystem thanks to analysis and elaboration on user’s social media interaction about the topic of Decentralized AI, by D.AI Observatory powered by LUISS Data Lab, Catchy and Alkemy Lab

During the second talk Laura Cappello (Chairman @ Blockchain Core) has explained how the EU is working on protocols based on decentralized technologies to facilitate a secure and efficient exchange of information and data among member states to prevent fraud.

At the end of the talks it is started a very interactive session of Q&A with our speakers, and the meetup is closed with a buffet offered by sponsors and organization, where attendees and speakers made networking and create business opportunities and collaborations.

Let us know which is your feedback and your ideas on the event and talks, write in the comments section of this article.

P.S. If you want to stay updated on the Decentralized AI ecosystem, join our Facebook Group.

