Manifesto | The next wave is coming

Based Toschi
Decentralized AI
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2018

We’re living the early 90s of a new internet, based on validated data, privacy, and decentralized AI.

The history is repeating…

Do you remember the early 90s there is a lot good ideas, a lot of bad ideas and a lot of very bad ideas. In that case who won is who understood the right trend for the upcoming decades.

Decentralized data is the new wave of values.

This tech wave is about validating reality without intermediaries.If we compare this new data strategy with how we valuate centralized data, the results will be bigger than ever before.

Alessandro M. Lagana Toschi | Understanding The Gold Rush of Scalable and Validated Data powered by Blockchain and Decentralized AI.
McKinsey |
The age of analytics: Competing in a data-driven world.
The Economist |
The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, by data.

Artificial intelligence needs validated data to make the things done and achieve it’s real potential.

We will call the generation born after 2010 the Generation AI, because they only know a world with AI.

McKinsey | Notes from the AI frontier insights from hundreds of use cases.
Gartner |
Gen AI-Artificial Intelligence Empowers a Generation of Radical Thinkers.

From the internet of informations to the internet of trust.

A new kind of Internet enabled by blockchain technology allow people to exchange scarcity and share trust without intermediaries

W3C | Internet of Value Manifesto.
World Economic Forum |
Realizing the potential of blockchain.

The invisible future of tech.

From e-commerce to conversational commerce, from nano technology to the ingestible tech.

Are we sure that in the next decade technology still have a UX?

Forbes| Ingestible origami surgeon could be coming ‘soon’ to a pill near you.
Accenture |
AI is the new UI.
Cap Gemini |
Conversational Commerce.

A workless society.

Society 5.0, from boring and repetitive jobs to a new world based on creativity and awesome experiences powered by automation and AI.

World Economic Forum | 6 ways to make aure AI creates jobs for all and not the few.
Gartner |
2020, Artificial Intelligence will create more jobs than it eliminates.

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization

From a centralized power to a decentralized way to make the things done and change the world.

Forbes | Why Decentralized Artificial Intelligence will reinvent the industry as we know it.
Vitalik Buterin |
DAOs, DACs, DAs and more: an incomplete terminology guide.

AI as a citizen…

The first AI with a citizenship is already happened! What’s the future about that? How we train and especially how we’ll feed it with the right validated data?

World Economic Forum | A robot has just been granted citizenship of Saudi Arabi.
Accenture |
Citizen AI raising AI to benefit business and society.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

We are living the most exciting and the most tricky age of human history. We have the responsibility to create a human centered future based on validated data, exponential technologies and ethics.

Financial Times | Google’s Sergey Brin flags concerns over AI revolution.
Ray Kurzweil |
The law of Accelerating Returns.

The singularity is coming and we want to connect innovators to build a human friendly future powered by the Decentralized AI

