How DID Are Replacing SSL with BOCA

Kaitlin Argeaux ~ KA @ DID
Decentralized ID
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2018
“A turquoise chainlink fence with a padlock in Greece” by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

To begin with — we must understand how SSL works. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is a form of security technology. It exists to establish trust by creating a secure connection between a web server and a browser. An example would be using Firefox to visit a website. Without going into the technology too deeply, it allows sensitive information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, or login passwords to be transmitted securely by encrypting the information. Without SSL certificates between browsers and sites, the information being sent would be in plain text, leaving you vulnerable if someone wanted to intercept the data being transferred. You’ll recognise SSL from the “s” at the end of the “http” at the top of your browser. If you are visiting a website which begins “https://www...” that means the site uses SSL technology.

In the blockchain world — you are using a decentralised network, so DID has come up with BOCAs. BOCA stands for Blockchain Originated Certificate of Authenticity. It’s a mouthful, I know — so we use BOCA.

Just like SSL, BOCAs will allow users to safely and securely verify the originating source of an ID request and safely and securely transfer the required information. However, the similarities end there. BOCAs are tamper proof due to the underlying blockchain infrastructure, whilst SSL’s can be flawed; for example, the NSA (National Security Agency) can hack any SSL when required. Also, SSL’s can be issued by multiple Central Authorities such as GoDaddy, Symentec, and Commodo — however, BOCAs have only one Central Authority, and that is DID — which is a foundation. Meaning all decisions about how it will be run are decided by voting members of the foundation. For more information about our BOCAs, please visit our website and check out our whitepaper.



Kaitlin Argeaux ~ KA @ DID
Decentralized ID

Operations Manager at Decentralized ID, Artistic Director at Théâtre Libre. Cryptofan, lover of ancient Greek plays, Malbec, & Wu-Tang Clan.