Introducing DID Technology — Technology to put you in control of your ID

Decentralized ID
Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2018

(Also internally known as DID V3)

For You!

What is it?
DID is a platform of trust. You, as users, verify yourselves to join the platform and the subscribers can request data from/about you while respecting your privacy. Imagine the same DID principle we started with: all fields on a registration form need to be marked with usage and storage information. The new DID version still adheres to the same principle.

How does it work?
The platform is powered by you — the user. The users make their own verified profiles on their phones/tablets/desktops by presenting themselves to the camera and we use facial recognition technology to verify it’s them by comparing it to another piece of evidence. This could be a drivers license, ID card, or a passport. Once registered, the user has a digital ID made on the platform that only the user can use as he wishes. You make your own sovereign digital ID on the platform; therefore you are always in control.

We use facial recognition to log you in!

Your ID is what you look like!
After a long debate on what an ID is and how to abstract it, we came to a simple conclusion: you are who you look like. So your face, your eyes, your skin tone, your features all declare visually to someone who you are. Thus the minimum requirement of your new Digital Sovereign ID is your face! We use the Azure and Rekognition platforms all through our app to get a visual clue of yourself and your ID documents.

What can I do with my DID?
Your Verified DID is a smart digital ID that can securely and anonymously answer questions like:

  • Is the person 25+ years of age?
  • Does the person have the right to work in this country?
  • Is the person of a good financial standing?
  • Does the person have a membership of XYZ institution?

This is revolutionary because all of these questions can now be verifiably answered by your Digital ID without releasing any further information. Imagine this: going to a nightclub and when you show your ID, it just has your pic and a big 18+ written on it. When you take the same ID to the bank, the ID now gives out more required information so that you can complete the transaction. It’s a self-sovereign smart digital ID that can anonymously answer questions. If it sounds contradictory, it isn’t. The anonymity comes into play when the person receiving the information receives the bare minimum required. If your name is not required to prove your age, for example, why give it?

AVP — Anonymous Verified Presence:
Once on the platform, the user has the ability to prove his verified presence anonymously. We call this AVP. This means that a real, verified human being is on the other line who cannot have two profiles on our platform. This forms the basis of anonymous logins where the subscribers may just want to grant access/services to “real human beings”.

Free* ID Transfers for all users:
You can now securely log in into websites and request verified information from other users on the platform for free*.
* Free = non-targeted, ad-powered

For Subscribers

Get a real login from a real person:
No longer do subscribers have to make wild guesses about their customers. Respect their privacy and get real, verified information on your customers. The DID Digital IDs that you interact with can answer intelligent questions on a customer. e.g. a car hire company can simply ask: “Is the user above 30 years old to hire that Ferrari?” Or a dating website may require the first name and the year of birth to protect their community while also making a perfect match!

Free* age-checks, logins and re-logins:
We know that compliance can be a tough nut to crack and get right, DID Technology helps you with compliance requirements for your business. And the best part is that at the minimum, we offer these services for free*.
* 1. Non-targeted, ad-powered. 2. Verified info is available at $0.60 per field. 3. AVP based logins are always free.

The QR codes serve as your SSL Certificate

No more tears or hacks!
Leave the hard lifting to us. By using the DID Technology, you not only reach real people, but you can also be assured of 100% hack-free login technology based on the Blockchain. Using our signature BOCA contract, the QR codes generated by you are immutable records stating that the request comes from you. Using HD keys, the system has been constructed in a way so that these codes can’t be hacked, mimicked or guessed. In addition, the login process itself uses ECIES encryption and only you as the subscriber can unlock the information sent by the user.

Easy onboarding in 30 seconds!
For your customers who already have a DID app, it will take them ~30 seconds to sign up to your service with verifiable information. For new users who want to signup to DID and provide you with information, the process takes less than 2 minutes and you get assured, verified information to onboard customers.
Oh, and did we mention? Re-logins are Free*!

Why DID Technology?

The agenda is to put users in control of their ID:
With our new app and platform release, we are still sticking to our earlier agenda of giving users control of their ID. The DID platform marries verified users with subscribers in a fasion so that the users have control over their data.
Imagine DID Technology being a digital platform of real, verified human beings who issue their own IDs and provide information to the subscribers as they see fit. The subscribers are to respect the users’ privacy and declare data usage and storage up front.

This new platform of trust will be soon available at:



Decentralized ID

Too direct and honest for my own good. But I ain't fazed!