Staff Announcements

Kaitlin Argeaux ~ KA @ DID
Decentralized ID
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2018
“group of people huddling” by Perry Grone on Unsplash

As DID prepares to launch our newest software in time for Blockchain Live this Wednesday, we thought we would take a moment to introduce you to some of our newest employees. As the company grows, so must the team. And we are pleased to announce:

Jasleen Khela — Sales Officer

Nayeem Uddin — Support Assistant

Angela Ng — Liaison Officer

Tornike Khakhishvili- Marketing Officer

Leon Acosta — Tokenology Manager

And we are excited to reintroduce Geoffrey Emerson — former Communications Manager — as our Technology Manager

Sebastien Denis — former Project Manager — is now our Compliance Manager

Javed Afzal has moved from Financial Consultant to the more specialized role of Government Relationships Consultant

And Kaitlin Argeaux has been promoted from Relationships Manager to Operations Manager.

And finally, Lan Tschirky — who has been with the project since the start and who will also be at our booth on Wednesday. We’ll be posting more about her live from the event.

Stay tuned and if you’re in London, we hope to see you there!



Kaitlin Argeaux ~ KA @ DID
Decentralized ID

Operations Manager at Decentralized ID, Artistic Director at Théâtre Libre. Cryptofan, lover of ancient Greek plays, Malbec, & Wu-Tang Clan.