Bitcoin under the hood — part 1 (Article 2)

Hashing, blocks and blockchain simply explained.

Decentralized Innovations


Network of blocks coming to gether in the middle to form a bigger block
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

In the previous article, we were introduced to a few concepts including the concepts ‘hash’, ‘block’, ‘blockchain’ and ‘coin’. In this article, I want to draw your attention to an outstanding video explanation of these concepts. Additionally, we will clarify a few details around Bitcoin.

The video below, made by Anders Brownworth, provides the best explanation for Blockchain on the entire web. I highly recommend watching it, as it provides you with an excellent illustration of the way Blockchain and tokens (another name for crypto-coins) work, but without overwhelming you with excessive technical details. It is also possible to use Brownworth’s online demo to follow along with the video.

I hope you enjoyed watching the video as much as I did and maybe even tried creating a blockchain for yourself on the demo-page.

Anders brilliantly explains the technology behind blockchain in a way that is simple and easy to follow. If you understood the content of…

