DML Project Update — 16 November 2018

Dear DML Community,

We are delighted to update you about our latest tech development progress.

Marketplace Overhaul

Our new marketplace has made quite a bit of progress this month. We have completed integration with 2 API on the new Elixir backend (added support for storing & validating wallet address on backend API, added JSON API standard to backend API), with two more remaining to go. A staging site has also been deployed for internal testing to make sure that we can provide the best user experience for our users and developers. Our next target is to have a fully functional marketplace ready for testing.

Payment Channel and Backend

Micropayments is a core requirement for DML protocol. In order to support micropayments in a scalable, cost-effective way, our team has been hard at work on a custom payment channel implementations that can support trustless off-chain transaction. For more technical readers, check out the blog post by our Elixir developer, Thiago.

Signing Ethereum Messages on Elixir (by Thiago Belem)

We will be prioritizing backend development next to accelerating marketplace and mobile app integration, before we turn our focus back to integrating payment channel with the application.

Mobile App

It is grateful that we got good progress on our mobile app development. Now the app design has been completed and we have already started the onboarding integration. Below are some of the screen caps regarding the onboarding workflow of the mobile app:

Onboarding — Sign Up with Email (1)
Onboarding — Sign Up with Email (2)
Onboarding — Sign Up with OAuth
Onboarding — Login

Going Forward

Thanks for the your continuous support to us as a pioneer to deliver our mission of democratizing the machine learning spaces. We are committed to make it happen.

DML Team is maintaining the composure and our product development plan has been realizing step by step in an organized fashion, following our milestones. More updates are expected about our development progress, please stay tuned with us!


DML Team

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