DML Project Update — 24 December 2018

Dear DML Community,

All of you shall understand the cryptocurrency markets had performed badly during the last few months, and this prolonged bear market has affected a lot of outstanding, exceptional projects. Inevitably, this environment has also imposed impact on us, making us to limit our team size and development pace. Having said that, thanks to our lean structure adopted and our thin startup philosophy since the very inception, these negative effects by the market are still manageable by us.

Our mission to democratize the big data and machine learning spaces remains unchanged, and we are determined to make this happen. We have opensourced our codebases of our marketplace frontend, backend and also the Elixir custom payment channel implementations (to support trustless off-chain transaction) in our Github.

We identified the development of a client interface (mobile app) is the key for DML to go-to-market, acquire users and enhance our community engagement. Therefore, we are focusing on our mobile app development in order to launch our public beta version as soon as possible.

We have completed the app design and onboarding flow integration is already finished. In this update, we will talk about the wallet user interface. We have gone through an in-depth design process, along with user testings when designing our wallet UI. A few key requirements we have identified to focus on are multiple currencies support, abstracting away the complexity of state channels, and providing just enough information on the main wallet view. After two rounds of user validations, here is what we came up with.

Mobile App Wallet UI to Support Multi-Cryptocurrencies

This is one of the most difficult times in the market and all projects are suffering. However, our vision stays the same and our commitment does not change. Though we are in the midst of this crypto winter, we are still dedicated to realize our mission, even our resources are limited due to the current market condition.

Indeed, we believe this correction is actually a good wake-up call for all projects, to face the reality of how to create their applications to the real world, to the general public, and this applies to DML too.

Looking forward, our plan is to attach some real use cases on top of our infrastructure, such that we can first let our users to easily integrate and read their own data, and have motivations or incentives to securely monetize it.

We have designed our first use case in our mobile app and now we have started our tech development on this, which the details will be further revealed in our next updates. Furthermore, we have been exploring and discussing some partnership with other stakeholders, including other related data/AI projects and also business corporations, to add value to the ecosystem that we are going to build.

Once again, thanks a lot for the your continuous support to us. We are confident to bring you some good news in due course. More updates are expected about our business and tech development progress, please stay tuned with us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


DML Team

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Decentralized Machine Learning
Decentralized Machine Learning

Unleash untapped private data, idle processing power and crowdsourced algorithms