DML Prototype Demo

Dear DML Community,

We are pleased to have our Co-Founder, Jacky Chan, to walk through the DML Prototype with us in this video.

DML Prototype Demo by Co-Founder, Jacky Chan

The DML Prototype consists of two elements, which are the DML Algo Marketplace and the DML App for individual device owners.

Jacky has highlighted some of the key features of DML Prototype, they are:

  • Searching, requesting and listing for machine learning algorithms in DML Algo Marketplace;
  • Creation of machine learning application requests and selection of relevant individual device owners for private data access;
  • Deployment of machine learning algorithms into smart devices;
  • Running of the machine learning algorithms with idle processing power in the DML App;
  • Submission of machine learning results (and raw data remains within the devices) from the DML App;
  • Generation of aggregated machine learning prediction analytics reports;
  • Smart contract transactions in DML Tokens for machine learning models.

With the smart-contract based DML Algo marketplace, any developer can list their machine learning model there for sale in a middleman-free environment and unlock their innovation and creativity. The DML App aims to bring machine learning to everyone with a smart device, of which the device owner can participate and contribute in machine learning with their private data and idle processing power, with privacy protected, for DML Tokens. DML is a project bringing machine learning to everyone in a practical and powerful way, by building an infrastructure of machine learning decentralizing private data access, idle processing power usage and machine learning algorithms crowdsourcing, aiming to bring machine learning to the new level.

Our DML Protocol Gen 0 (DML Algo Marketplace) beta is expected to launch upon the completion of DML token generation event, so to provide an immediately utility for the DML Tokens. Customers and developers can then transact machine learning algorithms under the interface of DML Algo Marketplace with the support of smart contracts.

By July-August 2018, we expect to launch our DML Protocol Gen 1 (on-device private data decentralized machine learning).

The DML Algo Marketplace beta will be released soon, so stay tuned with our further announcement. If you would like to have a deeper understanding of DML, please refer to DML Official Channels where we have prepared numerous materials including our whitepaper, video explainers, articles, flow charts and infographics for you.


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Decentralized Machine Learning
Decentralized Machine Learning

Unleash untapped private data, idle processing power and crowdsourced algorithms