DML Project Update — 3 October 2018

Dear DML Community,

Here we bring to you our latest update. In this update, we will talk about our technical progress, the recap in Hybrid Summit 2018 and also our participation in the TechXLR8 Asia.

Technical Progress Update

We are delighted to see our month 1 milestone is on schedule. In addition, we have also prioritized part of our milestones in order to better accommodate with our development sequence. Please refer below for our progress report:

Month 1 Milestones

Verify Algo Execution and Data Processing; Start Accepting Algos (completed)

Users, Bounty, Algo Off-Chain Endpoints Complete (completed)

Base UI Components Complete (completed)

New Algo UI Complete (deprioritized to milestone 3)

Base Smart Contract Complete (deprioritized to milestone 4)

Mobile App Tech and UI Design (90% Completed — missing Eng RFC)

Account Profile UI (moved from milestone 2, completed)

Staging server deployment (moved from milestone 4, completed)

Facebook and Google OAuth integration (newly added, completed)

Backend Update

Jacky and Thiago have prepared a detailed demo to walk through the technical backend of DML. Here it is:

DML Backend Demo by Jacky and Thiago.

Frontend Update

We have completed the Onboarding UI and also updated the Account Profile UI, now we are aiming to deploy a staging marketplace next month with our brand new UI.

Mobile App Design Sprint

Thank you Dan Birman (former Product Designer @ Uber) for leading the mobile app design sprint. We have walked through the user journeys and studied all the potential pain points that our users might experience.

User Journey Diagram of DML Mobile App.

Apart from the user journey design, we have also prepared some of our mobile app wireframes including the user onboarding and DML token earning processes. We are looking forward to continuing UI design enhancement and shall reveal more in our next updates.

DML Mobile App Wireframe — Onboarding and Data Source Authorization
DML Mobile App Wireframe — Receiving ML Jobs and Earn DML Tokens

Hybrid Summit Bangkok

Our team has been featured in Hybrid Summit in July 28–29 at Bangkok. Victor has given a talk of our project and please refer below for it:

Victor’s speech on the mission and vision of DML.

TechXLR8 Asia

It was a festival of connected innovation in September 19–20 in Singapore combining 6 major tech shows of 5G Asia, IoT World Asia, Network Visualization & SDN, the AI Summit, Project Kairos Asia & Consensus Singapore. This fastest growing event gathered 7,000+ tech and telcos professionals, 150+ solution providers and startups, and 300+ expert speakers.

Michael has been invited as one of the speakers of Project Kairos Asia, explaining what makes Asia the place to be for startups.

Michael was invited as a speaker for Project Kairos in TechXLR8 Asia — 1/3
Michael was invited as a speaker for Project Kairos in TechXLR8 Asia — 2/3
Michael was invited as a speaker for Project Kairos in TechXLR8 Asia — 3/3

Going Forward

Thanks for the your continuous support to us as a pioneer to deliver our mission of democratizing the machine learning spaces. We are committed to make it happen.

DML Team is maintaining the composure and our product development plan has been realizing step by step in an organized fashion, following our milestones. We are currently looking for expansion in our development team to further accelerate our project development. More updates about our progress are expected , please stay tuned with us!


DML Team

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Decentralized Machine Learning
Decentralized Machine Learning

Unleash untapped private data, idle processing power and crowdsourced algorithms