Boston Tea Party 2.0

The quality of life is determined by what people want to achieve. When populations, for the most part, are seeking only the affordable and stable opportunities of consuming, the State is their main hope and strength. The severer State regulation on every people interaction is, the fewer chances individuals have to aspire to something different than the majority appreciate. In such a society, an average person relies on the decisions of elites — they know better what is good for cogs in the wheel of the large State machine. Two sides of the same State coin are clearly distinct in such societies — the elite and the rabble. The Empire is always the best solution for them.

Empires stand on two main pillars: 1) maintaining a proper balance between interests of elites and 2) the sufficient and timely implementation of the “bread and circuses” principle for the rabble. The State regulator whatever form it may have upholds and affirms those pillars. Neither the elite, nor the rabble are interested in any revolution.

Then why do revolutions happen?

From time to time, the very special and enormously active individuals appear among sleepy crowds. They are ardent and passionate towards everything they do. Their excessive innate energy allows them to look beyond the cliches and apparent social patterns. They realize that people live in a house of glass, that the king is naked, and that the obsolete world order leads to only violence and poverty.

And they begin to create revolutionary solutions in various forms. The solutions do not have to be forcible by nature. But they always enforce individual liberties. Some activists are “designing next-gen systems to bootstrap us into a post-scarcity economy”, the other ones are creating the new form of security safeguarding services based on the self-governance principle. Oftentimes, the technology provides those passionate individuals with the solutions capable of changing the entire paradigm of social interactions.

Nowadays, blockchain is the very technology that is potentially able to awaken masses from the State-induced lethargy.

Eventually, the dedicated communities gather around the activists. In contrast to the past times, the geographical location is irrelevant in the era of the digital communication technologies. Bitnation, for example, includes followers from all continents.

But how about the State authorities? Do they keep calm when the law-abiding citizens are gradually becoming less dependent on the State in the economy, politics, and social relations?

Of course, they don’t. They either apply the power of the State machinery to prohibit the libertarian movements like Chinese Government has done while banning ICOs, or use various personalities from the elite circles to compromise the revolutionary technologies like JP Morgan CEO was trying to do while stigmatizing Bitcoin as a bubble.

The latter should refresh his memory from time to time with the amount of the US external debt making the notorious stable dollar the biggest financial bubble ever. In contrast to the National monetary systems, cryptocurrencies do not engender tremendous public debts.

Why are the various State entities against the crypto-anarchy? Why is SEC striving so hard to start regulating ICOs as soon as possible? Once crypto economy is a purely digital phenomenon, what are the National bank & monetary systems afraid of?

The thing is that blockchain acts like a virus eroding the State monopoly on money. Money is not wealth, money is control. The State power is based on the exclusive right to print money issuing national currencies. The ultimate independence of cryptocurrencies threaten the national and financial elites who control people through money. The domination of the States and corporations will become meaningless and powerless when every John or Marry is able to mint coins on their own.

Is crypto economy a revolution? Blockchain is the revolutionary technology capable of liberating people from the Big Brother control. However, crypto anarchy implies the personal responsibility for everything you do. The anemic majority has lost the habit of doing that. Relying on the State in every aspect of their life, people, for the most part, are deterred from making independent decisions. This is the root cause of the recent Las Vegas tragedy, by the way. People are accustomed to relying on the State’s security forces that protect the system, not the people. The contemporary individual and public securities require a different decentralized approach.

The mental sloth inherent in the average consumers prevents them from studying the details of an ICO while their greed motivates them to participate in it. That’s why they praise SEC in hope that the State regulation will protect their funds from scammers. Indeed, it will protect them by transforming the crypto economy into the highly regulated business area which will become accessible and affordable only for elites.

Through all their actions against crypto anarchy, the State entities are sending a clear message to the blockchain activists calling them to give up dreaming about the self-governing societies and get back to the Empire.

The crypto economy is still managing to remain unregulated yet. How long can that last?The similar boundary situations happened sometimes over the course of the human history. The very situations when people had the power to make a decision about their future. What would happen if Sons of Liberty refused to protest in Boston in 1773? Most probably the contemporary political map of the world would look absolutely different in such a case.

The entire crypto movement priority is not to lose the chance of Boston Tea Party 2.0 to succeed. The longer we all accept ourselves as cogs in the State wheel, the more the corporative elites protected by the States are getting fat off our individual misery. Consider your freedom, join the blockchain movement, revolt through the crypto economy!

