The States In The Era Of Crypto

Let’s simply recount the well-known facts to make some hidden patterns more apparent


The State as we know it today is destined to either annihilation or evolution. And the only cause of why the State cannot keep going as it has been doing thousands and thousands of years is the threshold of the technological development the humankind is achieving.

We came very closely to the extent of the information accessibility when the main pillar of any State in the form of the control over the public discourse is becoming merely meaningless. The public awareness of the true nature of such social structure as the Nation State makes the thousand-year-old governments obsolete and crucially ineffective against the contemporary challenges.

The top secrets of the State are becoming more and more accessible to the common citizens due to such initiatives as Wiki Leaks. Hacker attacks all over the world have proven that a single cyber-terrorist can be more dangerous and powerful that the nuclear weapon.

The Internet itself along with such decentralized technologies as blockchain is evolving in its connectivity in such a pace that the state borders, banks, regulations, and forces are rapidly losing their importance for the common people who are obtaining an ability to know and achieve what they want without having to explain themselves to the State entities.

The international offshore scandals with regard to money laundering of the various State elites demonstrate the fear felt by the governmental and corporate top managers due to the uncertainty shaking the obsolete world order.

Gradually people are losing their trust in the States watching how the populists are coming to power in different Countries. Fake news is eroding media. Cryptocurrencies are diminishing the value of the fiat money.

The ancient Golden Calf is giving way to lines of code: gold is less valuable than Bitcoin today despite however Goldman Sachs and the other banking structures want to look at it.

The world leaders are trying to hold the old world order through military might despite the fact that the traditional wars for territory can improve nothing in any National economy.

The growing global population on one hand and the worsening distribution of the global resources, on the other hand, are leading the Nation States from one economic crisis to another due to the corrupted and inhuman measures the State elites provide.

The State interests are colliding the personal liberties in a severer manner since the more intelligent and tech-savvy younger generations start refusing to obey the obsolete ideologies — the old propaganda along with the brainwashing methods no longer has any effect on the youth brought up by the Internet.

The gadgets permanently connected to the Internet have been quietly transformed from the means of manipulation (as the forces controlling media wanted them to be) into the keys to the public awareness. And the crypto technologies will help people not to lose the keys whatever brainwashing tricks the centralized hierarchies may invent.

We look forward to the days when streets, universities, and spaceships throughout the world will be named after Satoshi Nakamoto who alone has done more to liberate people than all of the revolutionaries of the past combined.

The world will never be the same after 2008 when the crypto genie was let out of the bottle. Blockchain has become an indispensable part of the Internet and the day when the decentralized solutions become the core feature of the entire Internet is not long in coming. Those who do not want to accept this obvious fact are involved in either the State-protected anti-libertarian movement or the idiotic mental masturbation resulting in nothing but frustration.

The crypto economy is still in an infant stage. The insufficient adaptability of the present blockchain projects keeps masses aside the crypto economy. The recent ICO hype demonstrates how crooked can be the paths of the development.

However, crypto is anarchistic by origin and therefore relates to Nature much closer than the utterly artificial centralized hierarchies. Nature does not use any model to create species. We all are absolutely unique and unparalleled. Each of us is worth more than all the States, past and present.

And the decentralized crypto anarchy fits our human nature best. This is worth remembering when you face the critics of the crypto anarchy. Just recollect some statements from this text when your faith in human dignity is shaken.

Thanks for reading

