Introducing The Decentralized Space Agency & Hermes

Ondrej Sarnecký
Decentralized Space Agency
6 min readMay 1, 2019

Entering the space industry environment is very difficult for new enterprises, be it private companies, organizations, research centers or universities. Right now, companies which require a certain amount of reliability, accuracy and regular update of key data, like surface images or other data, seek the external supplier of these data (satellite provider) or embark on developing their own satellite infrastructure, which detours them from the original goal of their product, and also creates a significant difference in the development costs of their product, even though the low costs of designing and manufacturing nano-satellites allows many companies to get their hardware on the orbit at the cost of just several million dollars. The road to the success of the mission or the success of the product still remains steep though.

Before the company invests millions to develop their own satellite or to test their software, the common orbital platform would serve the company according to their product’s needs. In other words, the company would utilize the devices already deployed on the orbit. We named this common platform of orbital devices the Hermes Platform.

Hermes Platform

Hermes Platform is decentralized, distributed network of LEO nano-satellites and infrastructure of ground stations, employing the principles of shared economy between satellite technology providers, ground station facilities and end users. Hermes Platform is transforming the closed ecosystem of current satellite infrastructures to free, open platform with a specific asset traded: satellite data.

Every Hermes platform participant is a member of its value chain. Satellite provider, be it university which developed its own cubesat, or Newspace startup with innovative nano-satellite designed for satellite imagery, by allowing access to its satellite payload services through Hermes Platform will vastly broaden the spectrum of its customers and will become a part of shared orbital economy. On one end, we have this independent satellite provider, and on the other the end user utilizing friendly UI and API of Hermes platform for his particular application of satellite services through a unified platform, selecting from the satellites already on the Orbit, ready to serve according to the client’s needs.

Hermes serves as a getaway for satellite providers and end-users.

Ground stations are the key part of every satellite network. These facilities provide communication between Earth and the satellite, obtaining data and transmitting back requests for the satellites in form of radio signals. To secure the most effective and fluent data stream between satellites and the internet, ground stations are also part of the Hermes network and its value chain. Everyone with the motivation to setup a ground station, be it an enthusiast, student or a member of the community is able to provide downlink and process the satellite data directly to the Hermes cloud. The core part of this model is an economic incentivization for setting up these stations. Every participant of given communication on Hermes Platform is entitled to a share from the value paid in the specific cycle between the end user and the satellite provider.

This economic model is to incentivize setting up the ground stations around the globe and thus reduce the downlink delay, in order to get closer to our end goal — utilizing real-time satellite data. For the satellite provider, this model has an obvious advantage in cutting up to 80% of costs connected with setting up their own infrastructure of ground stations.

Why do we need the Blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology plays an important role in Hermes value chain. With this technology we record every interaction between the satellite provider, satellite, ground stations and end-user, ordering services from one or more satellite provider on Hermes Platform. Blockchain Technology is the most effective solution for an environment, where multiple independent entities trade assets between each other. In case of Hermes Platform, these assets are the satellite data. This technology not only records data transactions and data ownership, but also every interaction between the satellites and the ground stations in form of confirmations, on the basis of which every participant of the Hermes value is entitled to its share as a reward for downlink services.

Utilizing the distributed network of orbital hardware and applying the principles of decentralization, joined with the new crypto-economical models would remarkably reduce the costs of developing products of such companies. Instead of developing their own satellites, the company could focus on developing their product, which would use the orbital hardware devices network according to their need. It will also allow talents and interesting projects to participate on the new space race, indifferent of nationality or conflicts of interests.

By developing new space technologies, be it by the community or solo players based on the demand for the space hardware, sensors and application under the common decentralized platform, we create new business opportunities and unearth new markets. Providing a hardware under a common platform allows small companies and start-ups to enter the space industry market and increase the competitiveness of these companies.

In a nutshell:

  • We are decreasing costs to enter the space industry market
  • We are lowering the technological and scientific barriers of the space industry
  • We are expanding and diversifying the user base in the space industry
  • We are enabling the creation of new, innovative products and services

Formation of infrastructure for future business opportunities:

  • Orbital energy markets
  • Fuel markets
  • Orbital and interplanetary supply chain
  • Orbital assembly opportunities
  • Asteroid and planetary exploration in the solar system
  • Interstellar space exploration commodities market

Whereas Upstream business — businesses focused on sending objects into space and deep space exploration — is concentrated around the biggest players on the market and is very difficult to enter this market, mostly because of the vast capital investments needed, downstream attracts more and more attention from the emerging start-up segment — Newspace.

DSA intends to launch, with partnering companies and organizations, the LEO nano-satellites as the essential building block of the whole network and for incentivization of the future space startups or existing companies to use Hermes Platform to connect to the decentralized orbital infrastructure. More detailed information about LEO satellites will be continuously disclosed over time.

Why “Decentralized” Space Agency?

The author “Marshall T. Savage” in his book The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps presents his idea of human cooperation in form of “human laser — people acting in synchronous harmony, creating a coherent beam of intention”. Our vision of the future is similar. As a first step towards achieving our vision, DSA is creating a public Knowledge Base. Knowledge Base is the platform for the space agencies around the globe to share and learn new information/know-how from other agencies, so to serve as the community library of knowledge and experience.

Every ambitious project needs partners to achieve its grand goals. We would like to give every agency space to not only gather information and share their own experiences, but also to create new partnerships with other agencies, industry stakeholders, universities and commercial companies around the world.


The satellite telecommunication industry together with the whole space industry is on the verge of change, the reasons being the diverging demands of the users, technological advancements and developing markets. The universe and it’s potential exploitation is not just an idea for scientists anymore, but more and more companies see the space industry as a future exponentially growing market with immeasurable potential. Because it is so difficult for the new startups to access it, the space industry requires a common infrastructure accessible for anyone, where we together as a civilization can expand our dreams and ideas, and thus not only surpass more and more milestones of our history, but connect together as one mind — one civilization.

DSA’s goal is to create the first free orbital network not only to support the space economy, but to set up the foundation of the first common space infrastructure and market, which is one of the pillars of expanding our civilization outside the planet Earth.

We are building the first orbital shared economy! Want to know more? Check out our website.

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