What is the Decentribe Project Building?

Decentribe Team
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2019

We are developing an ecosystem of crypto products and services that brings together the worlds of blockchain gaming and decentralized finance

We believe there is a tremendous blue-sky opportunity in crypto to bring together decentralized financial applications and crypto assets (mainly non-fungible tokens) developed for use in blockchain-based games.

About 18 months ago, many crypto investors were content with buying, hodling, trading and investing in ICOs. Today, crypto has gained much more utility, especially in the area of decentralized finance. For example, according to DeFi Pulse, more than 2 million ETH has been locked in decentralized lending platforms.

While the USD value of this activity is small compared to traditional finance, it is still significant. Thousands of people around the world are turning ETH that would have normally remained idle in their wallets into investment vehicles through collateralized loans that allow their ETH to be put to work without spending it.

From a blockchain gaming perspective, Ethereum-based platforms are still in their infancy. Games like Axie Infinity and Gods Unchained are built on the promise of interesting game play coupled with in-game assets that remain the sole property of individual players and and game effects that can’t be changed on a whim.

But, even though these games are still in their earliest stages, something interesting is happening. Global economies are being developed and are maturing around in-game assets, or non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at a rapid rate.

It’s not known just how much crypto wealth is being locked into blockchain game NFTs, but it is likely to be significant. And, where there is value, there lies opportunity.

We think NFTs have the potential to become another powerful asset. As in-game economies grow, NFTs could be used as collateral for loans, new derivatives could be created allowing players to make bets on the future health of robust in-game economies (based on NFT sale volume) and more.

When we look at these two parallel trends, DeFi and blockchain gaming (specifically NFT markets), we see an opportunity: a chance to develop products, services and tools that both expand the potential of DeFi and blockchain games — and bring these two worlds together.

Overview: The Decentribe Project (Click Here to View a Larger Version of This Graphic)

What We Plan to Deliver

As shown in the graphic above, over the next few years, we plan to deliver:

  • Price Prediction Games: Unique DApps that make it easier (and a lot more fun) to participate in crypto price prediction markets. Our flagship DApp will be CoinEmpire, a Steampunk-themed Monopoly-like game where players compete to buy, improve and profit from income-generating price properties.
  • Game NFTs: We plan to develop non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for CoinEmpire and other Decentribe DApps, which will provide a richer gaming experience and investment opportunities for players, collectors and traders. Funds from NFT sales will help financially support Decentribe’s activities.
  • Auction-Based Trading: We plan to develop a decentralized crypto assets auction system (TribeDAX), that provides users with security, privacy and control. Decentribe NFTs and tokens will be sold on TribeDAX.
  • NFT Market Analytics: To achieve its full potential, the NFT market needs to mature — especially from the perspective of understanding how in-game assets, are being valued by the market, the value of ETH locked into NFTs and more. We plan to fill this gap by developing TribeANALYTICS, which will provide trustworthy market data needed to power NFT-based financial products, including futures, derivates and trading.

What are we focused on building right now? View our roadmap (coming soon) for more information.

We are also launching a dual-token ecosystem:

  • Tribeum: A dividend token that will deliver income to holders (from ETH volume generated by Decentribe DApps)
  • Decent: A governance token that provides the Decentribe community with control over the project’s ETH assets, ensuring that our team remains accountable to the community

We will have more information about the Decentribe dual-token system soon.

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