Introducing Decentraland Foundation Technical AMA Session

Decentrland DAO
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2023


In order to improve transparency and communication with the community, the Decentraland Foundation will begin hosting regular Ask Me Anything sessions on technical topics from November 16, 2022.

Sometimes processes that the Foundation is working on take longer than expected, and in some cases, more technical guidance could be offered to the community. As there is a strong willingness to boost collaboration and transparency between the Decentraland Foundation and the community, the Foundation has been working with several DAO grantees, community members, and DAO squads on a proposal to start holding regular technical AMA sessions that should improve such matters.


With the increase in proposals enacted by the DAO Grants Program that require proactive technical support from experienced individuals, the Decentraland Foundation has been working closely with DAO squads and the community to identify opportunities to improve collaboration, communication, and education on product engineering matters.

Multiple options to create new spaces and mechanisms have been assessed but many have been hindered by the knowledge concentration and availability of Decentraland Foundation members.

Ultimately, the aim is to share technical knowledge by boosting openness and trust between DAO grantees, the community, and the Decentraland Foundation.


To create a simple, efficient, and safe way for anyone to submit questions to the technical experts of the Decentraland Foundation while also sharing the learning of DAO grantees and knowledgeable members of the community.


Effective November 2022, a weekly 60-minute meeting will be scheduled on one of four technical topics, embracing an “AMA” format. AMA stands for “ask me anything”, a type of interactive engagement in which questions are answered, usually in real time.

The sessions’ topics will be aligned with the current Decentraland Foundation product engineering teams taxonomy:

  • Platform: Catalysts and decentralized services
  • dApps: UG Wearables and Emotes / the Marketplace / LANDs / DCL Names / Smart Contracts
  • The Explorer
  • SDK (and Kernel)


The sessions’ agendas will cover not only answering questions submitted previously and during the meeting but also presenting relevant information about the the status of what the different technical teams are working on:

  • High-level roadmaps, progress, and metrics
  • Highlights and issues
  • Incident and vulnerability reports

Last but not least, the most important commitment is that all the questions submitted will be answered in writing within 7 days after the AMA session took place. The written questions and answers will be stored (and indexed) in Github in order to create a knowledge database. The end goal is to answer every single question with a link referencing the Decentraland documentation and RFCs/ADRs.

All the sessions will be recorded and shared.

Q&A Database

Last but not least, the most important commitment is that all questions submitted for an AMA session will be answered in writing within 7 days after the AMA session took place. The written questions and answers will be stored (and indexed) in Github in order to create a knowledge database. All sessions will also be recorded and shared.

The end goal is to answer every single question with a link referencing Decentraland documentation and RFCs/ADRs.

How will it work

All AMA sessions will be held via Google Meets and will be announced in the General channel of the Decentraland DAO Discord Server. You can also find information on upcoming sessions on this Notion page. Before each AMA session you will be able to submit questions through a dedicated link, but you will also be able to ask questions during the AMA sessions.

The meetings will be held every Wednesday at 4PM UTC / 12PM EST

Upcoming AMA dates and links

Platform: Catalysts and decentralized services | November 16, 2022 |
Question Submission Link | Meeting Link Link

SDK (and Kernel) | November 23, 2022 | Question Submission Link | Meeting Link Link

The Explorer | November 30, 2022 | Question Submission Link | Meeting Link Link

dApps: UG Wearables & Emotes / Marketplace / LANDs / DCL Names / Smart Contracts | December 7, 2022 | Question Submission Link | Meeting Link Link

See you at the first technical AMA session on November 16, 2022 @ 4PM UTC / 12PM EST!

