Orchestration Methodologies, Explained

Arash Aghlara
FlexRule Decision Automation
2 min readMay 1, 2020

The management of disparate components and pieces that contributes to or influences the achievement of an end goal is known as orchestration. In other words, the coordination of pieces that on the surface appears to have no relationship to one another.

Orchestration will marry these components and pieces together in order to carry out a step-by-step course of action that executes a particular business process.

For example, when a customer applies for a loan, the system must go through a series of procedures in order to ensure that this individual is a viable candidate.


As shown above, there are several unrelated pieces that must be integrated and coordinated systematically in order to qualify the prospect for a loan. The entire process is geared towards orchestrating a definitive answer to that question.

While orchestration is typically designed to augment a business process, the example above demonstrates the solution to an operational question.

In fact, there are two types of orchestration model — long-running and transient.

Long-Running Orchestration Models

In a long-running orchestration model, the interim results may become dormant for an extended period of time before resuming.

This model is ideal for both long-running operational decisions and human workflows which may be semi-automated (i.e. enabling expert human intervention and alteration at any given point in time) or automated (e.g. end-to-end automation utilizing decision robotics).

Transient Orchestration Models

Transient automation produces almost instantaneous results and precludes the need to enter a dormant intermediate stage.

Transient orchestration employs different types of model, including the following:

  • Decision and Rules Flow
  • Decision Requirement Diagram (DRD)
  • Information Requirement Diagram (IRD)

The decision and rules flow and IRD models may be based on sequential steps that they join, fork and follow one another until an End or Terminate state is achieved, whereas the DRD is driven primarily by certain dependencies, including Input Data, Business Knowledge, and Decision.

Learn more about orchestration and how to model it here: https://www.flexrule.com/archives/what-is-orchestration/



Arash Aghlara
FlexRule Decision Automation

CEO of FlexRule® - Business decisions enthusiast using technologies such as business rules, machine learning, optimization, and process automation.