If you choose that, an old lady will die and a child will become a criminal!

Tulio Takemae
decision blueprint
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2018

When we choose anything in life, we must be aware that this decision goes far beyond what we tend to see. In example, when you choose to stay at your comfort zone about your career instead of starting a new endeavor you keep your monthly bills paid, your life style, your car, those nights out with your friends, maybe even expensive dinners in amazing restaurants with your beloved one, and that’s is great, really! While if you choose to start the endeavor of your dreams, if you have one, you know you’ll face some very, very hard times…VERY HARD TIMES, just to make sure you got the message. But maybe you also reap the fruits of your hard work and live a life much better, a purposeful one. That was just an example of two sides of a choice, and probably that wasn’t new information to you, so now let’s move further on the same example.

Let’s say you really choose the safety of your current career as an employee, and remember there’s no right answer in life, neither something you should or not do, it’s just a matter of choice. What are the implications of staying the course of your current career? Let’s imagine the future. You daughter, who may not even exist in this very moment wants to become a doctor, more specifically a cardiologist, and like everything in our society this costs money. Do your current career provide what’s needed for your daughter to make her dream come true? Maybe not, and if this is the case, she is still able to realize her dream but it will take much more time and effort. Maybe she have to undergraduate on technology or administration and pay her cardiology course from her own pocket, which will probably take a few years to happen. So if she planned to move to her own house, marry and have a baby in the next 6 years, maybe it will take now some 5 or 6 years plus. But let’s say that, thanks to your current career in 5 months you’ll be able to start travelling the world like you always wanted, and suddenly you meet the partner of your dreams, you get married and have that daughter who don’t even exists yet! Yes, that one who will become a cardiologist.

But what if you choose to break the rules of your own career and start your endeavor? Well, as we said before, you know it’s gonna be tough for a while. Let’s say that “while” means years to past. And after that “while” and all the mess you faced in your endeavor and inside yourself, you finally reap the fruits of your hard work and is able to almost buy an entire university for your daughter if she wants. Good, uh? She can become a cardiologist and have her own hospital if she wants. What a nice life! But guess what? You took 6 years to make it happen so she could make her dream come true, than she take another 5 or 6 years to make it happen. Let’s see the simple math result of both choices: 6 + 6 = 12 in both paths! But wait, what if those hard times during the beginning of your endeavor made you lose the chance to meet the partner with whom you would have your cardiologist daughter, so she never comes to life? But maybe you have s on, who wants to be a lifetime volunteer and won’t even like money.

I could keep detailing how each and every choice in our lives impact many aspects that we can’t even conceive in our mortal existence, such as: if you choose to start your endeavor, an old lady 3.000 miles away from you will die in 7 years, and a dog in Germany will lost one leg in 2 months and this will make a children run away from home and become a criminal who will be attended by your cardiologist daughter years later. Believe me, the consequences of our choices are that powerful, and yes, we have that power and influence over our world, so train to be more aware each day of your life.

I hope now it’s a little more clear: what really matters is HOW you live the choice you make, not the choice in itself, because in the end the time don’t stop and we’ll experience many things anyway, we just have to choose what and how. We can’t control the universe neither time, we can’t be 100% sure about the outcomes of our choices, so we have to rely upon our own wisdom to be aware of the simple fact that we can only choose how we’ll live the path we choose. Wait, what? Yes, we choose many paths throughout life, and after that we also have to choose for how long we’ll keep the journey through those paths and how we’ll live the experiences they brings to us until we reach the end and start again.



Tulio Takemae
decision blueprint

Executive, entrepreneur and mentor who loves decision-making process, strategy and risks, owner of some companies and leader of some outstanding teams.