IBM Decision Optimization Center 4.0.0-fp2 Release

Giulia Burchi
Decision Optimization Center
2 min readMay 25, 2020

Decision Optimization Center (DOC) provides an enterprise platform for building, deploying, and maintaining decision-support applications. Among its main features, DOC:

  • Provides a configurable web UI and what-if analysis capabilities.
  • Accelerates local and cloud deployment thanks to predefined configuration scripts.
  • Eases the application maintenance thanks to monitoring and replay-execution capabilities.

DOC 4.0.0 Fix Pack 2 is Now Available!

(documentation available here)

We are proud to announce the release of DOC 4.0.0-fp2, which comes with a set of exciting new features.

Job Monitoring Has Never Been This Easy

Monitor the real-time job execution in a customizable job view.

Look for a past run, quickly spot failures, and check or download the logs, input, and output files.

Retrieve historical input conditions and replay the job executions to monitor failures.

DOC Job Monitoring

Safely Edit Your Data in a Click

Keep track of the data you edited. Discard or validate your changes.

DOC Data Edition
DOC Data Edition

Enrich Your Dashboard with a Fully-Configurable Pivot Table

DOC 4.0.0-fp2 comes with a new UI component: the pivot table. Easy to create, it allows for frozen and dynamic configuration.

DOC UI Components
DOC Pivot Table

Rebrand Your Application to Match Your Customer’s Style

The application’s look-and-feel is 100% configurable (color palette, icon, favicon, font, …)

DOC Customize Look and Feel
DOC Customize Look and Feel

IBM® Decision Optimization Center provides a configurable platform for building, deploying, and monitoring decision support applications for business users.

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