Introducing DOC Python Integration at INFORMS 2020

During INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, I will present an important new functionality of DOC: the integration with Python


Giulia Burchi will be presenting how to “Enhance your Optimization Prototype into a Fully-Developed Application in 15 minutes”.

Last year at INFORMS, we had a very interesting conversation with a person from a well-known company that employs some of the brightest optimization experts in the world.

This Optimization Expert managed to solve an incredible difficult routing problem and applied it to the European market obtaining excellent results.

The corporate wanted to apply his model to the US market as well… but he was struggling with the deployment. Plus, the US users were not technical at all, he needed to build a UI to make the model usable, but he didn’t have a front-end developer in his team.

You can imagine the frustration: he built a great optimization model and the only impediment to have it running for a wider market is the deployment and the UI.

This is where DOC makes a difference: it bridges the gap between mathematical models and fully-blown applications for business users.

With DOC you can integrate your optimization model into a full application, build a UI for it and deploy it on the cloud in less than 15 minutes!

This is what I will prove during the Informs workshop.

Register now

Register now and join us on November 9th, 8:30–10:30 am EST time!

If you would like to receive a copy of the webinar but cannot attend the event please email, for your copy on November 10th after the live event.

Visit our IBM DOC product page to learn more.

