15 Memes Everyone Who Has Given a Presentation Will Relate to

Ceylan Ersoy
Published in
Dec 3, 2020

We’ve all been there… Roughly 30 thousand presentations are created around the world on a daily basis. Whether it is for a class project, a business meeting, your college dissertation, or even a presentation to convince your parents that you need to travel more often… We have all had to sit through an awful presentation, or even worse, given one. This blog is not intended to make you relive your most horrifying presentation memories. Rather, let’s have fun with it! Here are 15 memes that will make you go: “Been there, done that!”

When you are unsure about whether your presentation was killer or mood “killer”.
When you are unsure about whether your presentation was killer or mood “killer”.
When you know your presentation sucked, but you’re glad you got through it anyway.
When you know that visuals are the only thing that will keep your classmates from falling asleep, so you use memes.
When you think your presentation went super well, but notice those laughs were not because your content was engaging.
When you HATE public speaking and the teacher starts talking about the next presentation assignment.
When your boss asks you to set up a quick catch-up meeting on your progress and you know that quick meetings are a myth.
When your parents want you to concentrate on your assignment by taking away your electronics, but they are forgetting that we live in the 21st century and all your assignments require the use of electronics.
When your computer crashes mid-presentation and you have to resort to the one technique known throughout the world.
When you are presenting and you notice side conversation between your classmates.
When you need killer visuals for your presentation but all Powerpoint offers is Clip-art and its 2020.
When the teacher asks you to prepare another project, so you just reuse the old presentation you did without trying to be obvious that it is the same exact thing.
When the presentation design is just taking too long and you notice you wasted 15 minutes trying to pick the right font.
When you are first given the presentation assignment vs. 15 hours into the preparation phase.
When start acting like the expert on an issue because you prepared a presentation on it that one time.

Think presentations are a drag? Have you checked out Decktopus? The new generation presentation software allows you to create engaging presentations in no time! Check it out now and take it out for a test drive.



Ceylan Ersoy

I am an alumnus of UC Berkeley with a BA in Psychology and minors in Human Rights and Theater. I specialize in the creation of news content.