Give Yourself Permission to be Bored

You need it.

Declan Wilson
Declan’s Blog


Photo by Min An from Pexels

“Boring people are bored.”

The lovely Mrs. Betty Draper told me that. I know it comes from those times when advice was black and white — put a coat on or you’ll catch a cold, no pain no gain, respect your elders!

Of all the 1960ish life advice I agree with, Boring people are bored is kind of spot on. I look around at what we have today to distract us from our boring lives — Netflix, iPhones, Twitter — and I think about how we’ve forgotten how to to be bored with simple things: taking a walk, talking to our spouse, making dinner.

We can’t let those simple things be simple things without peppering in dopamine hits here and there.

I’m rarely bored, but it’s only because I keep myself busy. I’m a work-from-home parent of two boys who eat up most of my day. The few luxurious hours I get each day for myself are typically taken up by writing, reading, or exercising.

When I do have a few free moments — and I’ve had a lot more of those lately — I struggle. Time, to me, needs to be utilized or else it’s wasted. I don’t do boredom well, and I’m pretty sure a lot of other people don’t as well.

I say we give ourselves permission to be bored. Let’s make a pact:

I promise the next time boredom



Declan Wilson
Declan’s Blog

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