Asana of Death | UN-Dying Yogic Life Style Experiment | DAY 10

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readJun 6, 2018

Its day 10. And I have a new device in my yoga room. I rarely buy new items. But this is something necessary. Its gonna to add some value, good value to my yoga experience.

On Death Asana

It is a simple T-Candle holder and aroma oil burner. I had been thinking it for a while but did not have a right and good reason to buy one for me. I don’t really buy if I don’t see a strong or atleast a good reason. I am not always like that but I try to be as close to minimal things as possible. Having less for more is a mantra now a days.

Sometimes when you write things does not come. And today’s it is a day of belief I am thinking about belief all day long. Even one of the life coach tried to explain me, it was poor from her. She told me to go to oxford dictionary. I have sent her a simple rejection letter. It was an experiment with a free call with a life coach.

But anyway. I have been trying to find out the meaning of the word “Belief.” We all use it regularly. And it is probably one of the most famous word in the motivational industry. Yes it is an industry now. People are earning huge money now to provide you some kind of Unreliable drive called motivation. And people are paying.

For me it is not belief word but it is the two words one experiment and second experience. And that brings to the third one called explorations.

It is the thing that works for me.

And here we are on my day 10 with Khyati. She has been helping me on my experiments. She has been doing a wonderful job till now.

And I am seeing enough improvements in my capability of flexibility and strength and energy.

She has been focusing on the strength of my core. Abdomen area. And hip joints.

I have to see if it can happen… I am really interested to see good results in the activity in my brain. I particularly have to see the changes in my amygdala which is responsible for fear and protection based behaviour. If it works at that level it can be a great thing. It will be actually. Because right now I am looking for a series of unstoppable massive actions. Its is true.

I want to see myself taking so many actions focused on one particular thing which is the genuine promotion of my books and other educational and training/coaching services and products. I have a faith in my book, and other products that I have created.

And it is not something belief it is faith result of well research and experiments..

There is a huge difference between faith and belief.

Belief is something in the mind that you think is true but actually not proven. Faith is a proven things you know it works and you know it is going to happen with 100 percent certainly.

This is where I am into.

On the same topic I was thinking. And there is this powerful asana called “savasana” called the posture of “Death”.

I wanted to discuss about this in detail with Khyati and so I did today. I wanted to understand the intent of doing it. And what is it actually. Why it has so much importance in yoga system.

The whole purpose of it is to let our mind to become still. Completely still. And the approach is from the body. You first have to make your body look like a dead body. Your entire body must be still and relaxed. No external movement at all. Obviously inside it should work like your heart and blood flow will be in place. And your breathing will be very slow.

It is an experiment that more still your body and more slow your breathing the more still your mind will become. It will come with a regular practice. And that is to test.

This state of silence and stillness somehow recharge your entire mind and body system with a great degree. It is powerful recharge system. It is experience.

But it has more advantage that it will help to take ownership of your consciousness. It will detach your consciousness from mind.So you now can move your consciousness the way you want. It is a part of hard practice. Practice is a way of perfection. And when you see small step results you get to see what is in store. It is easy to predict things then.

This asana of death is something I have to practice. It is anyway important practice in yoga system without this my practices and experiments are anyway un-authentic. Which I don’t want.

So we have decided to give it one week of time. To make sure that I am reaching the right level of stillness. And we have to test the amount of time I can be there in stillness. Is it 10 seconds, 20 seconds or 60 seconds or more. ?

The more is better in this case. Holding on to the stillness is a powerful exercise of hatha yoga system. Not only in this asana but many other asana I am practicing holds.

Again; Hold is an important word here. It is key part of practice.

Key takeaway:

  1. Savasana is a quick way to recharge your entire mind and body. Initially it is difficult thing. But with practice it can be a great tool in your hands which you can apply whenever you are fatigue, overwhelm, or tired. It will recharge or say reset your entire system. If you are working in office then before going to home try this practice. And you can amaze you family member. They will notice the differences when you will reach home with new found relaxation and recharged state of mind and body.

