Day 5 on Yogic Lifestyle Experiment: Struggle of the mind and golden joints.

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readApr 27, 2018

My struggle with the thought of death, mindfulness, and inaction is still going on. And practicing the philosophies of yoga, stoics and decluttered lifestyle at the same time has started to give me new experiences.

It is much easier to say. Doing is not easy. It’s the land of discomfort, fear, and pain. But yes simplicity too. That is what I adore much.

Overwhelming is a big problem. Simplicity is the only solution to success.

Let me not forget that I am living in world and age of distraction. Converting thoughts into action is not so easy for many of us. They fight among each other to get rendered in reality. Many of them are not renderable too. They are merely informational distraction or distraction in the form of extra knowledge and millions of general knowledge.

This is my observation of my mind. Since my childhood, I have absorbed uncountable information and knowledge of so many things.

Especially the general knowledge sucks my focus. So from last few years, general knowledge is the least important things to me.

Less newspaper and Television not at all. Youtube and social media still haunt me for my attention. It is always an attention fight. Things are better these days.

I am trying yoga so I could balance the ultimate system of mind and body. And can streamline thoughts. And can shape my mind. Practicing of yoga has been named as one of the top practices in ancient India to refine the quality of mind and make yourself inner centered.

Inner centeredness is a compelling state. It helps our mind not to get influenced by external factors. It does not react then. Neither it goes into a default judgment.

This information and observations have made me decide which philosophy to experiment sincerely. Decision happens suddenly. It was not planned. But my mind had been continuously observing and seeking a chance. Then one day it quickly became a decision.

And it is my Day 5 since the day of decision.

As I am practicing under the guidance of Khyati, I have started realizing the presence of dissociation. I feel like I had been dissociated from my joints.

If you have read my book ‘the hackers code: the great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

I have mentioned that our body is a systematic creation. It is not the result of default creation. If you look at your fingers, you will notice length between the joints in our fingers. And you can see three horizontal lines. What I am trying to say is: It is not a miracle. It is thoughtful design. All joints in your finger are present in a Golden ratio. It is a mathematical magic number haunting scientist for so long.

In any place of your body from head to toe, you will find series of three joints. In hands. In Legs. See it. They all are in a golden ratio in almost every single human being.

Previously I had not seen them so curiously. But not it as I am practicing micro exercises. It works on joints.

I think it not a bad idea to call our joints as golden points of our anatomy. They are serving an important purpose, and I realize that I have been defying that purpose.

It’s about our ability to move, walk or bend. It is about holding something in hands. It is about catching an object. What enabled us to do all these. Joints. The most important thing that I am doing these days is to Write. Writing means utilizing my fingers on the keyboard of my old Sony Vaio laptop efficiently.

Can you realize this single point of observation? As I am writing this right now, I can see at this very moment about how I am moving. I just typed something wrong and had to stretch right left second finger towards backspace key and hit it few times to delete wrongly typed keys..

So many movements and bending of fingers in writing this article.

Let me imagine and see.

Can I write this article if my mind and finger joints are not connected? Not.

Can I write this article if my mind is less connected to the joints of my fingers? It will be a great struggle to type. Simply because of the lack of information flow from brain to fingers. But I will be able to.

Let me add a more challenge to this.

If my joints itself are not good enough not flexible not freely bending, then it will become even more challenging.

And if joints are not bending at all due to swelling or paralysis, No chance at all.

Let’s move back from our imagination to reality. We have been discussing Yoga right.

And I was telling that I realize that I had become dissociated from my joints. Joints of legs, hands and other major joints.

I am not having a good awareness of my joints. When I try to do postures where I do require my legs to cross bend on the floor to make V shape, It’s a great trouble. And it is an indication of

other disability that I can not do. As my joints not flexible enough. And it is less strength in there.

These joints or rather say golden stations are also the places from where energy and blood flow takes its turns. Weak station so weak the quality of energy flow; Leading to many blockages, Leading to many diseases.

This is the cause of the presence of thousands of diseases. I am technically guessing. I hope I am making a point here.

The point: A simple micro joints exercise of Yoga system can heal thousands of diseases. And also make us more mindful.

I have already mentioned that it is not just stretching. When you are stretching, you have to see and feel the sense of stretch and consciously feel the micro-movements of blood flow or heat or cold or whatever the sensation that will arrive there. That is the key part of the practice.

I think it’s enough for the article today. Hope it makes sense.

Today too, I am not on my yoga mat. And she also forgets hers. And today I had been introduced to one more powerful hidden tool of yoga which I will share in one of my future. Let me first experience it a little more.

Key Takeaway:

  1. It is important to remember that our joints are required to be in good health. Easy to move and flexible enough. It enables us to do many things. It enables us to be ready for many possible tiny essential actions. As far as the cause of inaction is a concern it less the likelihood of inaction due to physiological reasons. A good joint is a significant gain. Practicing the systems of yoga enable us to receive this gain. And it also allows the mind to focus on the actual activity other it will get occupied in making movements in joints. (To Remember)


Philosopher, Coach and Author of the “The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

