Decluttered Lifestyle : A Journey towards personal freedom

DeCluttered LifeStyle
8 min readMar 27, 2018

If you want to see a rose to open all its petals wholly really; I mean to blossom beautifully.

It is clear it can not happen if good supporting environments is not present.

If whether is not right, if the soil is not right fertile if the water supply is less or more than necessary.

Of in another way if we have a hotter or colder down the sky than what is needed by a rose plant to blossom.

Then It becomes a clutter.

Anything extra is clutter or anything shorter is a gap.

Here we are focusing more on and majorly on extra. Because the gap is something that can be seen easily but extra does not get noticed quickly. Maybe it is an error in our psychology, but that is true.

We all are good at seeing what is not present, what is a weakness, where is the hole and what is unpleasant in some way. And we are extremely good at putting another layer on things.

Here is a simple analogy.

When we order a delicious pizza; even though many things are extra on it than necessary for good health. We, in general, take it lightly. We don’t notice it, but the reverse happens we instead enjoy and cherish the deliciousness till our stomach is full of extras. Otherwise we should have considered this as junk in most of the cases.

We taste the deliciousness of the pizza with our tongue, and we feed our stomach. It goes well for few initial moments.

But after a while, we feed our stomach as if we are throwing junks in a junk food container.

Tongue says: It’s far from perfect. OMG, what a pizza. What a taste. Today is a day.

And stomach says: Wow I was hungry. You fed me. And it starts giving you good feelings.

After sometimes of feeding, stomach says:

Now I am normal I am ok now. This is a signal it gives. Now things are enough you can leave feeding if you want. And then it kind of goes into a silent mode. And like an innocent person. It won’t disturb your eating.

But we don’t tend to listen to this signals from the stomach. Maybe it is some kind of design defect of our body and mind. It cries when it is empty like hell so we can feed food to make our body needs covered. That is the intelligence it has. There is very less sensitivity in the stomach; otherwise.

And surprisingly we have a very high level of sensitivity in our tongue. Normally we never think of its level of taste based sensitivity. But if you think about it carefully: you will see it is surprisingly very sensitive.

We can notice the small differences in the taste of water from different places as well. It has a way of telling to mind. It’s well connected with brain cells. It is an amazing part of the design of our human taste system.

It makes brain to spit out good, wow, awesome, or say bad, poor or disgusting kind of words.

We are discussing the art of decluttering and What is this all about?

When I was writing this, It just came to me as a simple analogy if you think of your body like a rose.

Just think about it with an open mind and with right contextual frame in mind.

We all dream of a body which looks just awesome. Or you can say sexy, good-looking, attractive, appealing, energetic as far as the aesthetic look is concern.

While on the inner side of the body we don’t want any single diseases and health issues to be present to slow us down in any way.

None of us want to cough and cold.

None of us want obesity.

None of us want weak bones and any teeth decays.

None of us want any kind of health issues or functional issues in any part of our body.

None of us want any kind of imbalance inside the territories of our physiques.

Unfortunately; For most of us what we really want and what we do are not in good correlation.

Somehow what matters most to us is not where we focus most. So what we don’t want somehow find a way to our life without we noticing it.

In the same analogy; if we continue; we have in our body obesity, weak bones, tooth decays, and many many serious health issues which I don’t want to name here because I don’t want to distract. It is just to make a strong point. And I think it is.

It is about harmful after effect of “Extra” in any part of our life.

The moment we start having extra: It somehow in someway starts to steal our time, space, money, and energy. Or in another way our time, space, money, and energy are getting utilized by things which matter less in our life or in many cases on things that do not matter at all.

This is the evil power of extra.

Extra comes with evil to destroy what matter most in our life. The time, space, money, and energy are getting utilized on less important or not-important things which otherwise would have been utilized for what matter most in our life.

This concept is simple and to understand this deeply we don’t need to apply much smartness. This is extremely simple. But still, it does not get solidify in our subconscious mind and physiology as an active part of our system.

That’s why when we think about decluttering, and about finding our personal freedom we need to work consciously but in most simplified way possible. Our mind simply rejects or get overwhelmed too easily with complicated systems.

Decluttering is next to impossible if we don’t take simple, intelligent pathway. And if we work on it consistently then over the period of time, it becomes a natural habit or an active part of our subconscious mind. It is a solidification of a concept in our subconscious mind. At this stage, we don’t have to apply any thinking on it because it would have become a part of our mental framework. And it starts to reflect on our mini and micro decisions and actions.

And we will continuously move towards more personal freedom.

My whole purpose to write this article is to let people know about this missing education this missing concepts of decluttering in our education. I hope it is making sense to you. And I am sure you can correlate the necessity of decluttering and evil power of extra ( of literally anything).

I have a feeling that you must be thinking: that we already know extra is not good in any part of life. Well, there is a strong difference in knowing some concept or truth and having something as part of your lifestyle decisions and actions seamlessly. Along with bringing the awareness in front, this article is also about realizing this differences of knowing and having.

Having: to make something as part of your lifestyle, as part of your subconscious mind need a consistent journey. And it is a very technical subject.

Let’s move forward in this article.

I was telling about the moving forward towards your personal freedom.

The moment you start tasting the joy and effectiveness of personal freedom you will never want to lose it. Your natural tendency will become to be there in a state of your own personal freedom. And you will experience the speed and goodness of it.

As part of the journey: You will see, what matter most in your life is what is most likely to happen in most of the cases. Which is a big realized motivation that you experience as you move on to decluttering lifestyle.

Decluttered lifestyle is for everyone. There is enough essential learning for everyone. You can be from any region, you can be in any profession, and you can be in any state of finance.

You can be millionaire or billionaire. And in fact, it is a great lifestyle to adapt or at least to experiment for financially rich people. Because most of the rich people have accumulated a hell lots of clutter in their life.

For those who are extremely poor, they anyway don’t have even the basic needs, so this lifestyle may not really help them in any way. Their current condition anyway does not allow them to accumulate clutter.

For those who are middle class; it is I think a great necessity. It is true that financially middle class suffer a lot in many scenarios of life. They need to think about many things that neither financially poor people need to think nor financially rich people.

Unfortunately; it is a truth. Financially middle class almost always find themselves in a trap between poor and rich. Arranging and spending money in most optimal way haunt them in their daily life. Let’s not go deep in it in this article. I will have a separate article for this.

The only point that I want to make is: The basis for the need of decluttered lifestyle for the middle class and for rich is very different. But they both need this for different reasons. They both have a different set of problems, and both the class have a different set of mindsets and needs.

That is why when I research on it; I realize the need for specialization. A specialized decluttered lifestyle for millionaires, billionaires, and middle class.

And I want to restate one important thing which I state in many of my work in the book, the hackers code: the great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life, too. And this is “Same rule does not apply for all.” We all are different.

Our ecosystem has a place suitable for every division.

What works for one class or group does not work for other class or group. This is true in most cases, so customization is always needed and a right thing to do.

But still, people refer other peoples life without applying much brain, so they fail and get frustrated, and they start losing themselves. They are out of the track of their personal freedom.

What I mean is:

What Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk or Tom Cruise are doing in their personal life is none of your concern.

What do they eat?

What time did they wake up?

What time did they sleep?

Which exercise they do?

With whom they hang out?

And so on; none of them is anyone and should never be anyone’s concern.

You need to focus on what you do in your life. What you think about your life. You need to find out what is required in your life.

I think this question is the most-most important one to ask:

What are things acting as distractions and clutters in your life? Or when you want to have a quick judgment Just ask:

Is this a distraction or any clutter?

Is this eating out my personal freedom?

And I think: the above questions should be rated as the question of the year and decades to come for every one of us.

People can move from one class to other that is a different thing. And when they move to different class things will be different for them. It is a nature of reality. Things are not constant. Situations will never be same.

And if by any chance you see the situations are repeating then probably you are in some trap.

Anyway, with relocation to a different class, people need to upgrade their class level principles. I mean; this is a simple way you can think about it. Same rules are not applicable everywhere.

I hope you must have sensed the importance of what I wrote. I wish it will help you in many ways. I encourage you to think about it; talk about it. This is a part of the series of articles I am working on decluttered lifestyle.

I further encourage you to share the link to this article with people you are connected with. And Hey guys: Please comments and discuss in the comment section below.

Let me know in comments below what you would like to read about the art of decluttering.

To be continued… Its a journey towards personal freedom.

