Fire Ritual and Oath of Deeds | DAY 14 | UN-Dying Yogic Lifestyle Experiments

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readJun 10, 2018

Consistency is the key to success. It is what maintain the journey. And I have already talked about the importance of journey in one of my previous article in this series.

Fire Ritual

To remind you, it is a documentary of a dead Man ( Me) who is trying to rise. Lots of lack of energy, diseases of postponing things, too much surfing in the internet. Wasting my time and energy in useless things. I know that it is not me.

That’s why I am experimenting different things of life in the hope that something will workout. This is day number 14 of my yogic lifestyle with khyati. She has been a serious trainer so far. And pretty friendly too.

Everyday she is keep on bringing something new or something tough or something advanced version.

And today it is a small fire ritual. Oh yes it is a part of the yogic systems. It is amazing. So after the normal sessions that we did today afternoon. She opens her bag and grabbed a tiny book of fire ritual that she has mastered in her college.

Todays it is for the simple demo. So we didn’t do it properly as we should have done. T-candle was already burning in the corner. I had bought tiny amount of rice and flowers for offerings.

I am excited. She is a priest too. I mean yes she is.

This fire ritual is a ritual of Gayatri Yajna. It is called deep yajna which is short format of big ones. I sat besides her. And now I have to follow her instructions.

It starts with soothing Gayatri Mantra chantings. Invocations to demigods and gods. Offering them flowers, fruits, fire etc. It is a different feeling when you do it. And the energy can be felt.

Yajna has been a very powerful ritual in Vedic communities in India since ancient times. I am happy that this group of people are making it alive.

It is believed to cleanse the spirit, mind, body and environment from negative energy and blocages. It centered the mind.

One of the best part of the ritual is Oath taking for the deeds and virtue. It is powerful. You are taking the oath of righteousness, deeds and virtue. In one analogy it is the best ritual to impress our subconscious mind in front of fire. I think if we take the oath in this manner everyday it is a great way to remind yourself about our purpose, daily deeds, and right and wrong. It can easily improve our self-worth and self-esteem and self-discipline.

We all know, without self-discipline our life look like a random series of drama. And we really don’t want. From the outlook or in first sight discipline looks boring. No it is a path to the ultimate freedom.

I would recommend you to listen to the podcast by jocko willink. Here is what he says,

“If you want freedom, then you need to have discipline…the more discipline you have in your life the more you’ll be able to do what you want. That’s not true initially; initially the discipline might be things you don’t want to do at the time, but the more you do things that you don’t want to do, the more you do the right things, the better off you’ll be and the more freedom you’ll have…”

And it make sense to me. If you want freedom and want to thrive; Discipline is a must to have attribute. It’s not an option it is mandatory attribute. And it is not boring. Boring and boredom is a different thing. It is about your inability or say disability of the mind to pursue most important thing. If you are the person who use such things you probably a slave to mood. It is not a quality.

I have been struggling with such things for a while. And I am improving. And these days Yoga is helping me along with other philosophies that I am trying.

I am seeing a lot of similarity in other philosophies and the philosophies of Yogis. I have been researching and trying minimalism lifestyle. Most of the yogic parts are actually minimalism. Minimalism is an integral part of yogic systems.

That makes me to think: Minimalism is not a new concept it has already been a part of our ancient cultures and specific systems of ancients time.

I have been trying to adapt the minimal lifestyle from last one year. I have donated many of my stuffs. Many of my extra clothes, and books and other accessories. I had stored many stuffs in hope that some days I will use them. But that someday was not coming since many years. And stuffs were occupying more space.

My old stuffs steal my space and attention and time too. Still I have enough stuff to give away. But remember Minimalism does not mean to give all your stuff in one go. It is a gradual slow process.

Keep experiencing the elimination of one item at a time. So you understand that what happens with which item eliminations. It is a journey not a goal. Not something to achieve or accomplish.

This is where people starts to misunderstand the concept. I only want to tell you here that be careful and do not be hurry. Keep it gentle.

Consistency is the key.

I am happy to see the fact that minimalism that I had been trying from one year is an integral part of Yogic lifestyle. There are more to the yogic system.

These days I am studying and trying to understand the philosophy of Stoic. It is again a very powerful philosophies. And I have found a great similarities between what stoics says and what yogis say. I will have a separate discussion on this part.

And that’s it for this article. Hope you liked it. Please let me know what you think about the article. Also let me know if you want me to cover any special details.

Key TakeAway:

  1. Simple fire ritual and daily fire oath taking is a powerful system to influence your subconscious mind and to yourself overall. It will improve your righteousness, virtue and deeds. And it will help you to make you Disciplined. It is essential quality towards greatness. .

