How to chant OM right? | DAY 17 | Un-Dying Yogic Lifestyle Experiments

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readJun 15, 2018

I have been seeing good I mean really good improvement in the way I am using my nights and morning. I had been just seating in the night and it was a lot of looking and looking. Night owl.


But thanks they are starting to shift. Just recently I had a talk with a life coach of New York over the phone. She was telling me about herself that she had been in the seven year journey of spirituality and he came to India and learnt yoga and meditation. And finally yoga helps her to settle her mind to finally go ahead and live life. She is Now a happy life coach and enjoying travel frequently.

She too had debt and she was able to pay her debt with the earnings from life Coaching work.

During her initial assignments she never had website too but then she has a good website.

She has mentioned that it is yoga which made her clear over the period of practice to initiate something that she can value more. It gave her centeredness.

If you remember I talked about the sacred Mantra OM in one of my previous article in this series.

It is very important because most of the people don’t know this.

The mantra is not OM but it is three letters in sequence A U M. Initially you need to practice as separately. First you chant A then U then M. And each one has to produce vibration in different places of your chakra.

A has to produce vibration in solar plexus chakra.

U has to produce vibration in heart chakra.

M has to produce vibration in third eye chakra.

I know I have not covered basic details of chakra. But soon I will be doing this. As right now she hadn’t gave me enough knowledge of chakra.

Khyati has just started to give me chakra Practices. Chakras are wonderful subject and one of the key feature of our spiritual presences.

Many people have received unthinkable healing through the chakras meditation and healing technique all around the world.

And I had already mentioned that each of the yoga posture are also related to one or more chakras.

The major technical reasons or say core reason of yoga is to work on hidden invisible chakra.

Let’s be back to the sacred Mantra AUM. Now we know it is not OM it is AUM. It’s three syllables and each has vibration at specific chakras.

How about pronunciation?

A is simple. It is the way it is.

U is tricky. It is a Hindi syllable which is equivalent to U but not exactly U. U is the closest so we write U. The sound is the sound of U in word PUT. Try to chant while stretching the U. Chant PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. It is the same sound you have to produce when chanting AUM.

M is a humming sound and you have to create this humming in such a way that it creates vibration in your forehead.

There Are more theory into AUM. But let’s ignore that for now and try to work on Practice. As we know now it is a practical philosophy. And the only way to know is to consciously experience the sensations.

AUM is a part of almost all ancient Vedic rituals. It is the most sacred sounds. Recently we have been hearing that the scientists have found that it is the sound of the sun as well. When we say sound it means it is the vibration of the sun.

There many thinkable benefits of chanting aum. It also improve the quality of your voice. One of my close friend chant AUM only to better his voice. For that he tries to create vibration in throat chakra as well.

It clear many brain related issue. It’s humming sound heal millions of neurons in the brain. You can try it. But to experience better or significant outcome you need to be consistent for long time.

It’s chanting is one of the simple solution to stress releasing. There are scientific and biological reasons to it.

As a person chant AUM. He involve millions of tiny muscle. They stretch. And there is a vibration in different parts of your body and brain.

All these stretch and vibration together generate specific chemicals in the brain. And it also give strength to tiny internal muscles. Together they help in releasing accumulated stress. With regular practice it improves the memory, and quality of focus and rhythm towards various activities that the Practitioner perform in daily Life.

If you have enough focus and rhythm for your activities you can think it will automatically cause happiness. As you no longer get stressed out. That is what exactly most people need. It’s a simple solution.

Some people think it is a weird chanting it’s religious and all that. But as you can see their is a science in play.

There is much more to AUM. There are ancient scripture they tell us the way it moves up the subtle energy through our subtle invisible energy channels.

More you chant A more fire or heat will generate in your body as it to create vibrational energy in our solar plexus or stomach area. You already know this is the place where our food get processed by stomach heat.

All this thing are pretty has connection with science. And it seems like all these things are some kind of grand design.

I think it is enough for this article.

Key TakeAway:

It’s AUM not OM. And it is simple solution to the most basic problem of stress, rhythm of work, focus and happiness. I suggest you to try chanting this for 5 minutes everyday day for at least three weeks and test the changes by yourself. As you move ahead improve the way you chant. There should be rhythm and sense of calm in the sounds. More you Practices more sound will be refined and more will be the benefits.

