IT HURTS!!! DO IT ANY WAY | UN-Dying Yogic Life Style Experiment | DAY 12

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readJun 8, 2018

As we go one day at a time. I have been seeing the subtle change in the variations she has been trying. Khyati today seems to connect the individual postures to form a complete posture. Initially it was individual stages that I was thinking as a posture

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.”

–Carrie Fisher


They are not final position. We do not reach final position just like that. It has to be a series of postures and advancements. It comes via practice. I have understood now. It is a long journey. Opening and stretching our body parts is not an one night solution.

Legs still hurts. Legs are difficult. I am reiterating. And it is important ones for many reasons and many benefits.

Knee and hip joints are still very stiff, weak, painful. When I am moving legs to 90 degree up ( from the lying down position) My knee bends itself. Its not getting straight. I have to squeeze my brain and tried to hard focus my consciousness to knee and tried to unbend the knee. It is a damn tough task.

While on the other side, she is able to do as if it is nothing. I wondered if it is her real legs or she has buyed a special yoga leg. That is a thought that comes. I shared actually and she laugh. How can someone bend their body parts like that. I have been seeing her since last 12 days. It is amazing.

Till now I had seen that kind of extra complicated body stuffs in pictures. I am witnessing. It is true. I am realizing the level of strength and endurance such practices can provide me. She is a wonderful inspiration in front of me.

If we see carefully in the our legs and waist can make a lot of triangles. One is obviously between two legs. And this is important tri-angle.

It is a simple question:

What is the maximum angle you can make in between your legs without bending knees. I had this question in my mind. With different angles different new postures comes. Which I guess are part of the final position.

It is not doubt 180 degree. Maximum. I did not calculated but as I guess it is 120 degree in my case. And I can hold as of today for 20 seconds. It’s only 20 seconds it is truth.

With this 120 degree base position. I turn one of my feet by 90 degree outside. Its Moving from the heel. And other feet by 30 degree inside moving from the heel. I turned my neck and so face left by 90 degree. And open my hands wide 90 degree from the current location of my face. Opposite. They are making 180 degree from each other. And then I am moving both the hands up in the air and it is straight and they going as up as possible till both the palms joins together. Now it’s a tiny 5 second hold here. From here I have to bend forward in the direction where my face is looking to by again 90 degree. Spine straight. And now it is one posture. It is one journey of movements and angle formations.

She said this journey is angles formation and intermediate postures are much more important that reaching the final position. It is this journey which makes yoga powerful and actual give its fruits. But you do not have to think and worry of fruits at all.

Fruits will come by itself. You have to be in the journey and practice sincerely.

This reminds me the finding of the harward institute research I have been studying about happiness and success. They find that the achievement is not a cause of happiness. If you want to be happy you do not need to achieve anything at all. You don’t need to have any goal and so you don’t need to attain any goal. It is a misconception.

Happiness is in the journey. It is in those little moments and movements, ups and down, peaks and valley. Same thing she told me not just in yoga but in any part of life. She has studied philosophies too in her institutions. She is good companion for me to discuss and practice philosophies.

Some people make a mistake they are too eager to reach at the final position so they try shortcuts. Even if they reach it does not benefits them well. They can not juice out the real ones. And so they miss the important elements of journey which has joys and pain both.

During the practice sessions more you sweat and more you do little important things more you prepare yourself for the final battle. This is true in any part of life. Less you will sweat in the field and more likely you win. Yoga as part of its practical philosophies teaches and train us to be ready in any part of life. For me it is the strongification of my mental, emotional and physical health.

Key Takeaway:

  1. It’s the journey from the base position to the final position that matter most in making yoga postures. Many subtle phenomenon happens if you notice. And noticing the tiny sensations in tiny movements and holds give us the true juice of yoga benefits. And it’s true in any part of life too. So do not be hurry and don’t try short cuts or you miss real things.

