Many Faces of Yog | DAY 11 | UN-Dying Experiment With Yogic Lifestyle

DeCluttered LifeStyle
3 min readJun 7, 2018

Today I am trying something new. I turn on the world Hindu chant of shiva. Jai Jai Shiv Shambhu. And played it till the end. So today it is yog with music.

I knew this music and chant when I was in the city of God, rishikesh. Nearby parmarth ashram, there is shop they played it all day long. It is what makes the place even more fulfilling. Since my visit it is one of my best divine music.

So, to reignite the similar emotions I am trying today. It’s flashing memories. It’s good. Not close but it’s better though.

So she is here and I am here. Everyday we discuss for 15 minutes at the end of session. And everyday she amaze me with the knowledge she has.

Various hidden till not less known knowledge and facts. Sometimes it is dhyana, sometimes it is mudra, sometimes it’s yajna, sometimes it is therapies, sometimes it is spiritual, sometimes it is some other things.

Over all it is eye opening. I am receiving new, fresh and original perspective. New and fresh to me and original from ancient.

She is less talking in general but once she is on she is on. She is seriously she is smiling and she is expressive through her eyes and faces.

I usually forget to ask questions which I have already decided. When she is on you don’t want her to stop.

It is making me even more curious. Today she has given me a special tool of gyan mudra and explain me how it can dissolve any kind of fear from your mind.

And it can quickly settle or less the inner chatter of mind. And it is an integral part of yoga system. It is powerful as we all struggle with the issue of focus. Our inner chatter keep going on. It always create distraction from inside the mind. It is inner killer and this simple method of yoga kill the inner killer. It is amazing thing to Know.

When you do it. You can seat in the sukhasana or padmasana or you can also sit in the chair. You must have your spine straight. It is essential part. Now take slow breathing and touch the tip of your thumb with first finger tip and slightly press.

You need to try to feel the vibration in between the tips. This is a sign of the flow of energy from one first finger to thumb and from thumb to first finger.

You have to keep focusing in the breathing pattern. And you will start to notice the silence coming in your mind.

It’s silence coming, less thoughts, less chatter and less and less. I feel like going into some deep sleep.

And when I open my eyes. As Khyati instructed to open. I was thought less for certain amount of time.

And I am just looking at her. She asked me what happens. What would you answer if nothing is happening inside the mind. I mean things are nothing in the mind for the next couple of minutes.

In any case it is refreshing. And I feel like I reboot. It’s a reboot experience to me.

Working out and experimenting with the support of Khyati has been a feel good experience. She has been smiling, laughing and relaxing all the way till the end of sessions.

Humble, supportive, and talking with expressions.

Absolutely no sign of anger, and frustration.

Guiding me through weird postures which are interesting in a way and weird in another. And wide eyes open when you see her showing demo.

Key Takeaway:

  1. Learn gyan mudra and practice it daily. It is a wonderful cure to less the inner chatters. I won’t say it will eliminate all the inner chatter but definitely it will less the drama going on inside the brain.

