On the meaning of Belief!!! It is a terrible truth.

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readJun 22, 2018

“Belief is assumption or opinion or expectancy which has not yet been proven as universal truth and not seen as true, but we assume (or make opinion or make expectancy) and accept it is a universal truth”

“A rowing team pushing along the waters near Metropolitan City of Florence” by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Words play very important role in our life. Belief is one of the words we often use.

It hurts to say it as assumption, opinion or expectancy but that is true. And in most of the cases we don’t have proper understanding and clarity. And so in many cases we fall into argumentum with other people.

One person says I believe in this and the other one say I believe in that. And you both fire your supportive sentences. But the truth is only one.

We can see belief is of two types.

First is opinion or assumption belief and second is expectancy belief.

Opinion belief comes into picture when we talk about any information as true or false and in many cases we assume things around. Most of the time such assumptions and approval happen as a silent subconscious phenomenon, and we don’t get a chance to become aware of the mechanism, and it got imprinted within us via some silent voyage.

When we assume and accept any information as true. This information becomes the first level reference point in our memory from which we take this reference information and come up with our opinion and we tend to make decisions, actions, and reactions based on them.

However, we still call this opinion as our belief. And we deliver words like, “I believe in paranormal life.” Or “I don’t believe in paranormal life.” And there is a difference when you actually see a ghost in front of you.

Prominent reasons that leads to opinion belief are our previous experiences, our knowledge based derivations and information repetition.

As we live life, we experience it.

Hence we develop memories, and those memories become our historical reality in our mind. Some people have tendencies to consider them as a reference point for decision making and taking action.

This is one way we develop opinion beliefs.

Another way is stories that we hear, read and watch, and they become opinion (or forced information or assumption) beliefs for some people.

For some people, beliefs become stronger and live in their mind as the first dominant emotion in their response mechanism, so we see some people are more reactive in behavior than others and for one thing or another.

A significant way people develop opinion beliefs is by derivation from knowledge or theories.

Other ways of development of opinion or assumption belief are the repetition of information in any form of reading, writing, seeing, watching, and listening or even from other senses such as touch and smell. Every sense contains information when something happens to those senses.

The second type of belief:

The expectancy belief is the representation of the level of faith and confidence in ourselves to be able to do something or not.

Like if a student says, I believe in myself that I will pass the exam. Or a teacher says I believe in this student that he will pass the exam with distinction in Math. In these cases it is expectancy form of belief that they are talking about. Irrespective of whether it is assumption, opinion or expectancy it is true that still things are not proven as truth.

The scope of the word belief in our mind and conversation is only till we see the truth. But once we see the truth it is no longer valid. Then we talk about truth.

What do you think why we have this discussion about belief here? It is because most of us today are living in assumptions.

These assumptions make our life limited and force ourselves living inside a self-made mental prison. This assumption makes us fall into stupid arguments and it breaks relationships and connections.

This is a dangerous thing.

We have to see assumptions as assumptions, opinions as opinions and expectancy as expectancy. And see truth as truth.

Belief transfigure into curse the moment you accept any untrue as true. This is dangerous. And this curse is difficult to undo because once belief becomes a part of the inside system of reality you are not ready and you yourself become the person who doesn’t want to undo. It sucks a lot when a part of us sucks us and we don’t know the truth that this part is a part of us and we look for the problem outside.”

By now, you have better idea of what beliefs are and how we mess up with this word.

At least now you can dig upon to find the roots and do some investigation about your own beliefs (assumptions or opinion or expectancy) and see if that are good or bad, right or wrong, works or not, meaningful or meaningless.

Do some validation. Find out, if you are living in any self-made prison. If yes, find out how you would escape.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

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Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

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“The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”


“Letters of Mars on Decluttering :A journey towards more important things.”

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Photo by Stephen Radford on Unsplash

PS :

This above article is a glimpse/chapter of my book : “The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

