Pranayama : Discipline of Life Energy | DAY 15 | UN-Dying Yogic Lifestyle Experiments

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readJun 11, 2018

“Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they’re meant to be.”
–B.K.S Iyengar

It’s day 15 of my experiment. I am becoming better in my flexibility and yoga posture.

And I have been trying to work hard on my goals. I always end up in listing more than I can handle in my to-do list. It’s a problem with me since my child days. I don’t know how to come out. My mind does not stop when I start to write Todo.

I know I can fill the entire notebook with Todo list. I don’t have a good correlation between what I have to do and what I do. I am trying to establish strong correlation. Some time by reducing the item in my to-do list and some time by trying hard to act on More.

Second approach is not easy. It’s tough it is overwhelming. Learning and practicing Hatha yoga was one of the things that often come in my list since many years but never get a chance to work on. It was issue with time, and money. And most a firm decision.

Firm decision is a good word. But usually never happen. Sometimes we take decision in a matter of no time. And it worked. In this case we don’t involve into decision making process. In fact we bypass it. This bypassing things is powerful as it bring actions immediately with the blink of our eyes. And we are into the game.

Doing yoga experiment is a result of such instant decision. Now it’s becoming regular.

Initially I didn’t know what to expect so I didn’t. As I am progressing I am seeing things and becoming more curious about the after effects and experiences.

Behind each exercise it’s a science that works. It’s easy to say that those who designed the exercises were great scientist as well as Philosophers.

It’s a process that works from body to subtle body. That’s why it has a profound effects in our mind and spirit. You become more balanced. You might observed that most of the yoga practitioners are more balanced in their lifestyle and life objective.

To improve the breathing and refine the thoughts Yogi do regular practice of pranayama. Pranayama are special Yogi technique of breathing. It has many forms. It more about will-full control and flow of breath and subtle life energy.

The English meaning of the prana is life energy. And Yama mean discipline.

So Practice of pranayama means Practice of life energy discipline. It’s about execution of discipline of life energy with the control and flow of breath. It does influence the Brain and refine the mind.

There are many variations of the pranayama with different desired effect.

Alom vilom is the most basic one. Nadhi sodhan is another good one. And there are many.

With more and more practice you can run the breathing the way you want.

It’s great for asthma and hearts related issue in body. You will less likely to have any panic attack. And even if it comes you will be able to manage the situation with immediate control of breath. You will be able to control and flow the break wherever you want in your body.

No doubt it’s a great tool of breath work. You can shut down the mental chatter immediately you can relax immediately you can fill the energy to exhausted body. With more and more practice you will start to realize it’s power and the transformation it gives to your mind and body.

Pranayama can not be separated from yoga system. Most of the modern yoga studio does not train people into it but it is essential. I am adding this knowledge so you can take better decision about your yoga journey.

You will know what is needed and what is not. You will be able to review your instructors.

Another important part is the way you initiate your yoga practice of the day. It starts with a salutation and special prayer. It is a respect and is part of the discipline.

The higher order destination of yoga Practitioner are divine. For them it is a way to enlighten the soul. It is a way to self realization. It’s a hard and long journey however.

So anyway different people come with different set of goals. And yoga has a solution to many of their requirements. Let it be self realization, or any specific physical problems, or any diseases or let it be mental health and Sharpness of mind or let it be sorting out the life goals. And there are people who come just to explore and experience the system.

There are success stories for every type of person. And there is nothing to lose Here. Just learn under sufficiently good trainer.

So I ask who should practice yoga? I think it’s designed for everything one. And as see there is nothing to lose.

Key TakeAway:

  1. As part of the key take away from this article I suggest you to think what you want from your Life. What are the problems you are facing. And think if yoga can help resolve your issue. Can it bring a clarify to your thoughts. Do it with an open mind. Ask all possible question and you can post them in the comment section. I will discuss over your problem with my yoga trainer to help bring some light.

